Thursday, July 12, 2012

A Day with Grandmama ~ Brooklyn

If you have a minute, or two, let me tell you about my day! Grandmama says, I'm her five reasons to be happy today!

Today is Mommy's birthday, so I got to go to Grandmama's house! Oh, what fun we have had! 

We had to have our converstation.... and get caught up on all the news!

And then...

See Grandmama... I fit in my chair this time!

Really, I can get the whole thing in my mouth! Just watch me!

....more conversation....

Grandmama, could we go for a strole? 

Ahh....I just can not keep my eyes open....

That's OK, Sheba says she'll watch over me!

(Sheba) ...waiting .....waiting....

(Sheba) Oh, there you are awake! Come meet my "friend!"
Well, sort least for right now.
Really, she is a push over!

Wow, Patsy is big! I wonder if those big ears help her hear better?
Now Grandmama and I are ready for our three mile walk!
Grandmama, says you always have to stop and smell the roses...or any other flowers along the way!

Silly Grandmama, the flower goes in my hand, not on my headd!
Blackberry flowers, Grandmama said she'll make me some blackberry jam when they get ripe! How about some blackberry cobbler, or Grandpapa's blackberry syrup?

A bee, making honey, for me! But it'll be awhile before I get to taste that...
A llama? Looks like it could carry me!

Sheep....Grandmama says she can tell me all kinds of stories about sheep! Infact she said my great grandma has a good story to tell about when she was a little girl....when I get bigger I'll have to remember to ask her. But Grandmama says the best story is the one about Jesus the shepherd, and I'm His precious little lamb!

hmmmm.....I'm thinking, my Grandmama has a thing for flowers..
or is it an excuse to take a rest?  Someday, I'll figure it out.

I got a bit sleepy while we walked! So Grandmama got flower happy!

As we head back home, I realized I was hungry and since Grandmama didn't have my bottle, not to mention a rocking chair, my thumb had to do! It did just fine....of course only till we got back home!
Look what we had to share the road with! A BIG dump truck! It wasn't quiet like me!

Back home....and a full tummy!

That's A Happy For A Reason Reason!

Self  Portrait Time!
Grandmama couldn't have done this if she'd tried! Look at My Mommy's picture on the wall!
A picture of Grandmama, Mommy and Me!!!!

If you ever come to Grandmama's house, be sure to check out her BIG lady bug! Oh, how I love talking to her!

The day is winding down and so I am supervising as Grandmama  waters in the greeen house!

And now...I'm ready for a 7 1/2 hour sleep!
But first a Happy Birthday Mommy! I hope you and Daddy are having a wonderful time!
Good night everyone!

Be sure to check back again real soon!