Monday, February 28, 2011

February 28

February 28~
As I was driving home from work today, I noticed the heavy raindrops seemed a bit thick for rain. As I got closer to home, they would splat on the window.  I crawled into bed, and fell asleep listening to the rain hit the roof.  A couple of hours later, I wake up and it is quiet. Looking outside, I saw nothing but white, the snow had covered everything and huge flakes were coming down! It was beautiful! Before noon I had over four inches of snow and it was still coming down.  At 3:00 pm we tried to go into town, to no avail. As we drove down the lane and onto the main road, it was as if we were plowing through eight inches of slush! There were numerous accidents including cars on their tops. We had an appointment that we ended up doing over the phone. Due to extremely dangerous roads I was not able to make it to work.
Happy For A Reason reason’s:   
1.       Skiing. What better way to go get the mail than cross-country skiing on a day like this!
2.       I love watching the big snowflakes falling to the ground.
3.       Snowflakes! They are each so different from one another! I wonder how many snowflakes it takes to accumulate one inch of snow over one acre?
The answer: about 1.25 billion. That is a lot of flakes and not a one of them is the same!
There are 6272640 square inches per acre. Assuming 1 flake is 0.005 of an inch. 1 acre with 1 inch of snow has 1.25 Billion snowflakes. Wow!
4.       Time to watch the birds enjoying the bird food at the feeder. There are more birds than usual because of the snow.             
5.       Fir trees. They are so beautiful with the snow. Even when they are laden with snow their fir branches are reaching up into the heavens….another life lesson for me! Keep looking up, that is where my strength comes from!

February 27

February 27, 2011~
Three months from today will be 27 years since Ron and I committed our lives to each other in marriage! It doesn’t seem like it has been that long. When my hand is in his, I know without a doubt that both our hands are stronger! He is such an important part of my life… a life I happily share with him!
Happy For A Reason reason’s:
1.       Twenty-seven years, minus three months, spent walking hand in hand with my best friend and husband!
2.       The variety of animals that God has created. Today I got to see an opossum up close. He was afraid and had all 50 frightening teeth showing as he was hissing. He looked fierce but in actuality, he is a gentle and placid animal who prefers to avoid all confrontation. I think I can relate to that! Now if I can get my dog Sheba to leave him alone, I’ll be in business!
3.       Believe it or not, I saw that the trees on the lane are starting to bud out! They must think it is going to be spring soon! Hmmm….I fear they might be surprised in the next day or two!
4.       A well that provides great tasting drinking water!                    
5.        Living out in the country where I can enjoy all the farm animals that are in my neighbors fields! When the kids were at home, I would thank the neighbor’s for supplying my children with so many pets. 

February 26

February 26~
Brrr…. It was 13 degrees F when I got home this morning! When I walk out to the car after a night at work, with the wind blowing, it feels extremely cold!  It really makes me appreciate a working heater in my car!
Happy For A Reason reason’s:
1.       A working heater in my car!
2.       A walk in the crisp cold air! Refreshing! Wakes me up for sure! Of course this was later in the day, the temps were actually up to 25 degrees!
3.        Inspiring mission programs on 3 ABN. It is great hearing and seeing how God is using others to spread the love of Jesus around the world. I even got to see a mission program where someone I know was the missionary!
4.       Talking with my youngest son!  He is happy and doing great!
5.       I am happy because I have a God who will see me through no matter what happens, because He cares!
 “GOD CARE, RIGHT DOWN TO THE LAST DETAIL!”  ~JAMES 5:11, The Message Bible      
Yes, God will see me through! It is sometimes hard to see, through mytears. But even when I can’t see, God’s promises are sure. He is there, loving me, strengthening me, and giving me what Ineed for each new day.

February 25

February 25~
I had a short night of sleep last night, but it was a sound sleep. This actually surprised me, since I was not at home in my own bed. With the snow on the ground, icy roads, and the forecast of more snow, Ron and I decided that we’d spend the night in town. We both had to be up and in town early in the morning, just before dawn.  As I was driving home, the roads at times appeared to be just fine, only to round the bend and have the road covered with a glaze of ice.
                Happy For A Reason reason’s:
1.       Parents who let us spend the night at their place.
2.       Parents who are not just parents to Ron and I, but also our friends!
3.       A safe trip home for me, and for Ron! The roads were just fine in town, but not so, where Ron went, and certainly not on my way home! We both saw vehicles off the road or jack knifed.
4.       A relaxing day, with time to even catch some shut eye! A welcome thing, since I start my five day stretch at work tonight!
Gas stations!

February 24

February 24~
Looks like the snow is coming! Hope it stays away until I am able to drive Juanita to and from her new temp job! Since she is working nights, I’d rather not drive on the twisty country roads when they are icy. If I’d slip off, no one would know and and some of the drive is out of cell phone range.
                Happy For A Reason reason’s:
1.       I could give Juanita a much needed lift to work! Riding the bus at night and having to walk at least one mile from the bus stop would not be a fun thing for anyone in the dark!
2.       The snow did stay away until after getting to work and back home safely.
3.       Juanita’s car is fixed! Now we just need the weather to clear up so we can go get it!
4.        Friends who could point us to a mechanic who could fix Juanita’s brakes.
5.       A mechanic who was willing to fix Juanita’s car on his off time, and for a price much less than any shop would.

February 23

February 23~
So, is today going to be a good day?  I guess I need to define what a good day is. If the definition of a good day is that everything goes perfectly, with never any troubles or worries, then I really don’t think I am likely to have a good day any time soon.

But then if the definition for a good day is a day when I commit myself to serve God, do the right things for the right reasons, and accomplish what needs to be done that day, then I will have many more good days. 

I think the second one is my definition of a good day. Yes, today will be a good day!

            Happy For A Reason reason’s:
1.     The freedom to choose to make this a good day!
2.     Finding a Lady Bug! Not something I usually see this time of year.
3.     Clocks. I’d never be able to be on time anywhere without them. Not to mention, I wouldn’t know when it was time to get off work.
4.     I forgot my lunch today, so I’m thankful that there is a cafeteria at work where I could get a good sandwich.
5.     Ahh…yes! Jesus, the Bread of Life! May I be filled to overflowing!

February 22

February 22~
There are just some days when, no matter how hard I look for something I have trouble finding what I’m looking for, only to find it right before my eyes, so to speak.  It is a bit frustrating at times. Later I can step back and laugh about it. Like the time I searched for my keys, only to find them right where they should have been and in plain sight, or my Mother talking to me on the phone, only to have my Dad come in and ask her what she is looking for. She says, “My phone.” Now, I had to laugh about that one! My Dad looking for his pencil, which was clinched between his teeth! Me, looking for my glasses, only to have everyone look at my head and laugh! They were on top of my head. Then most resent, I was just looking for my cell phone.  I finally called it, only to hear it ring in my pocket! Oh, and here in my freezer you will find bag after bag of edamames (green soybeans) , each time I had been going grocery shopping and pass the frozen section I thought I needed more, I was just sure we were out! It is so easy to get caught up in “life” and miss the obvious, even when it is right before our very eyes!
The question is, do I do it when it comes to God? Do I miss the obvious with God? I know His presence is with me. I know His promises are sure! Yet, I don’t always see Him in the daily events in my life. As I read the Bible, I realize that I’m not the only one with that problem. 
But Jesus, being aware of it, said to them, “Why do you reason because you have no bread? Do you not yet perceive nor understand? Is your heart still hardened? 18 Having eyes, do you not see? And having ears, do you not hear? And do you not remember? 19 When I broke the five loaves for the five thousand, how many baskets full of fragments did you take up?” They said to Him, “Twelve.” ’ Mark 8:17-19
Here are the disciples of Jesus. They are concerned where to buy bread and finding fault with each other. They had forgotten the five loaves Jesus had broke for the five thousand, and all the baskets of leftovers.
 How ridiculous, here Jesus is right there with them, and they don’t see the obvious! He has to remind them. “Don’t you see? Don’t you get it? Don’t you remember?” Silly me! I’m no different! It is right there before my very eyes! Jesus is the source of my help and my hope! He is there even in the middle of every circumstance in my life!  Thank you Jesus!
Lord, You are always there for me. You are the Bread of Life, You give me peace, and You are the Father of all comfort. Please let me never forget!
                Happy For A Reason reason’s:
1.       Finding my cell phone, even though it wasn’t far from me!
2.       Glasses! Sure makes life easier when you can see clearly!
3.       Keys to the car! Guess I wouldn’t be going too far without them! I don’t know much about jumping cars.
4.       The stories in the Bible that I can relate too!
5.       An awesome God that is always present with me, even when I don’t see the obvious! He doesn’t give up on my either! He just keeps on being there by my side!

Five Finger Prayer

Five Finger Prayer

1. Your thumb is nearest you. So begin your prayers by praying for those closest to you. They are the easiest to remember. To pray for our loved ones is, as C. S. Lewis once said, a 'sweet duty.'

2. The next finger is the pointing finger. Pray for those who teach, instruct and heal. This includes teachers, doctors, and ministers. They need support and wisdom in pointing others in the right direction. Keep them in your prayers.

3. The next finger is the tallest finger. It reminds us of our leaders. Pray for the president, leaders in business and industry, and administrators. These people shape our nation and guide public opinion. They need God's guidance.

4. The fourth finger is our ring finger. Surprising to many is the fact that this is our weakest finger, as any piano teacher will testify. It should remind us to pray for those who are weak, in trouble or in pain. They need your prayers day and night. You cannot pray too much for them.

5. And lastly comes our little finger - the smallest finger of all which is where we should place ourselves in relation to God and others. As the Bible says, 'The least shall be the greatest among you.' Your pinkie should remind you to pray for yourself. By the time you have prayed for the other four groups, your own needs will be put into proper perspective and you will be able to pray for yourself more effectively.
Don't tell God how big your storm is, tell the storm how big your God is!!!!!

Friday, February 25, 2011

February 21

February 21, 2011
Hmmm…. I just realized why I like having my worship in the living room on the couch. First, in the early morning it is quiet and I am less likely to disturb others. Second, as the sun comes up over the eastern horizon the beauty unfolds before my eyes. There may be clouds swirling around the mountain, clear skies, dew, frost, snow, or fog. Each contributing to the scene in a different way as the sun rises in the sky. Even the birds awaken and begin singing their morning songs.
Happy For A Reason reason’s:
1.       The beauty of yet another sunrise! At times, I wonder, am I a broken record? I know I have put this on my list so many times. Yet, here it is again this morning, the same yet different from the days before. One thing I am reminded of this morning, as the sun comes up, is that darkness of night may in fold me, but there will always be a sunrise in the morning! Yes, a life lesson from the sunrise. Even in the darkest of nights, I can know, there will be a sunrise! It is always darkest just before dawn. Then comes the sunrise…. Be still, watch, and listen as the scene before you changes moment by moment until the sun has fully risen, breaking through with great streams of light!  Ah, yes, Joy comes in the morning!
2.       This has been a day full of interruptions to my plans. Now how can that be a Happy For A Reason reason? Well… I’d say, because inspite of the interruptions I was able to get a few things accomplished.
3.       I sure like having my sister, Judy, work at the same place I do! It means I get to see, talk, and laugh with her a lot more!
4.       OK, now I realize why the Lord gave me such a wonderful sunrise this morning, as well as the sunrise thoughts! Yes, I know that the sun shall continue to shine. Maybe I should rephrase that. I know that the Son will continue to shine and give me strength! He always has and always well. 
5.       The peace I can only get from my God, Jehovah-Shalom. The Lord our Peace. Isaiah 9:6 says, “…and His name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlsasting Father, The Prince of Peace.”

February 20

February 20, 2011!
What a productive day this has been! I have had an enjoyable time doing chores that aren’t the most enjoyable. When I have someone pleasant to work alongside it sure helps the attitude, and I believe it helps get done in less time. This reminds me of how Nehemiah and the Israelites were rebuilding the wall around Jerusalem. They even had people trying to hinder and stop their work on the wall. Nehemiah would work alongside them, and encourage them to get the job done. Because of this and the willingness of the people to keep at it, the repair and rebuilding of the wall was accomplished. You can read the story in Nehemiah 6:4.
                Happy For A Reason reasons’s:
1.       Juanita spent the day helping me knock one chore after another, off my to do list!
2.       My house will soon be spotless, if Juanita keeps this up!
3.       Freezer cleaned, inside and out, and reorganized.
4.       Laundry room clean, from top to bottom!                                                   
5.       Flickers and Robins all over the yard.  I love the sounds they make!

February 19

February 19, 2011~
Ski trip….fun, fun, fun, fun, fun!
OK, so that doesn’t count as five Happy For A Reason reason’s, but it is sure a good start! I had the most wonderful, awesome day today!  We had packed up the car with our cross-country ski gear yesterday afternoon so we’d be ready to leave first thing in the morning. It was a near perfect day for skiing. We decided to stop at Trillium Lake, on Mt. Hood. What a treat was in store for all of us! Not much better setting to share with family and friends.  Just needed a few more with us!
                Happy For A Reason reason’s:
1.       A outing in God’s wintery wonderland with Ron and Juanita! What fun, even the teasing and tosseling in the snow part!  ~Big Smile~
2.       The beautiful, winter wonderland, at Trillium Lake!
3.       The joy of feeding the birds from our hands!
4.       Being able to share some of our bread with a family who had a toddler who was fascinated by the birds flying to her hand and eating the bread!
5.        Haystacks! It tasted so good and filled the empty stomachs after all the vigorous exercise that was done today!
A Raven trying to get every last piece of bread he can! ~smile

February 18

February 18, 2011~
This morning, the sunrise was amazingly beautiful! Without much thought, I grabbed my camera and was out the door!  I was taking pictures, even taking a couple of videos, excited that I’d be able to share these with others! After just a few minutes out in the cold, with no coat on, I ran back onto the porch, ready to go inside where I’d warm up quickly.  To my dismay, the door was locked! I’d unlocked the deadbolt but forgotten to unlock the doorknob! Now, to complicate matters a bit, Ron had left about 10 minutes earlier, headed to an appointment about one hour away.  Thankfully I did have my phone in my pocket, so I gave him a call.  To my surprise, because of the heavy frost, and his having to scrape all the car windows, he was only three miles away. He turned around and came home to unlock the door and let me back in, with not one word of complaint! Thank you, Ron!

Happy For A Reason reason’s:   
1.       The most awesome sunrise!
2.       Frost on Ron’s car! If it had not of been for the frost, Ron would have been well down the road and I’d of been out in the cold for longer than I care to think about!
3.       A cell phone in my pocket! (I don’t always have it in my pocket that early in the morning.) Had I not had my phone in my pocket, it would have been one very long, cold day!
4.       Ron’s willingness to come home and let me back in the house without one word of complaint!
5.       I am getting excited! Tomorrow we are going cross country skiing! This time I have my sno-park pass! Believe it or not I almost forgot it, but after a quick trip into town this afternoon, I believe I am set! Yes, it has been three years since I went cross country skiing and I’m itching to go!

February 17

February 17, 2011~
I woke up this morning to a thin blanket of snow on the ground. Clouds hung over the mountain as the sun came up. At first I noticed a thin pink line between the clouds and mountains, then the clouds started to reflect the pink from the sun as it rose in the eastern sky. It was beautiful! After taking a picture I came in, and no more than two minutes later I looked up and noticed the fog had set in and the beauty was gone. It reminds me that even though I can’t see the sun, it is still shinning behind the clouds. It reminded me of a song the girls used to sing, Above the Clouds by Darrel Sawyer.
Happy For A Reason reason's:
1.       The beauty of snow. The world looks all bright and clean this morning with the fresh covering of snow.
2.       A lawyer to help fill out and draw up legal papers, like wills and things. If left to myself it would be overwhelming.        
3.       Exercises that are helping me get my range of motion back in my shoulder. Yes, they are really helping! I have not arrived, but I’m getting closer and closer!
4.       A one hour nap! Not something I usually do, I guess I was tired! But then when I have been up for about 36 hours in one day, I can expect to be tired the next day.
5.       An evening free, to spend with Ron.

February 16

February 16, 2011~         
As I think back over the last 24 hours, I smile.  One of the things that brings a smile is the memory of one of my co-workers. She is a cheery, fun loving, caring person. She has a gift for being able to communicate well with others, even if they don’t know the English language very well.  Someone came in with a patient, to help translate. When asked if the patient had been vomiting, the translator said, “I don’t understand.” At which point, she proceeded to act it out! Immediately the translator smiles and says, “Oh, yes, I understand!”  Yes, something’s are just universal and cross over every language barrier. It is amazing sometimes, how well you can communicate and yet not even speak the same language.                    Happy For A Reason reason’s:
1.       The ability to communicate, even without words.
2.       A nice comfy bed!
3.       Sleep! I was very tired after work this morning.
4.       My cat! I really think we need to rename her, Tea Kettle, because she rattles like a tea kettle as she purrs away. Another name that would be a good fit would be Shadow. I have never known a cat that would follow you around and want people attention all day long. If I don’t pay attention to her, she’ll get “in” my face, if not on my computer as I type! Of course, only if I let her!
5.       An Excellent supervisor! She sets the tone and that is where the team work starts!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

February 15

February 15, 2011~
What a night! I do think it was the busiest night at work I have had since I went to working nights. It went by very fast, and I must say, I enjoyed every minute of it. The person I worked with out front had her hands full, and it was a pleasure to work with her. We worked together as a team, kept things moving, and encouraged one another in a light hearted way when things got a bit stressful! I must admit that I came home a “bit” keyed up this morning, and it took me awhile to unwind.
Happy For A Reason reason’s:   
1.       The great team of nurses, doctors, and registration staff I worked with last night!
2.       The Red Wing Blackbirds! They are back! Is spring around the corner?
3.       The song of the Red Wing Blackbirds. There is just something about it that cheers me and makes me feel at home.
4.       My oldest daughter is visiting.
5.       Juanita’s help with my “to do in the future” list! Many projects crossed off and all while I slept! Thank you, Thank you!
“Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That’s why we call it the present!”  ~Lil Wayne

February Whispers of Wisdom ~ By Dottie Barnett

By my dear friend Dottie.
WHISPERS OF HIS WISDOM~~~ February, 2011
“Pencil-box Betrayal”
As long as I can remember, I have been deeply in love with fall. When I experience
the first chill of autumn, the excitement and anticipation of change surges through my
veins, bringing a glow to my cheeks and a quickening of my steps. Longing to feast
my eyes upon that expanded palette of color which always surrounds the Great Smokey
Mountains in the fall, Harold and I often head out for Cades Cove and Elk Monte in
October. There, surrounded by the light of campfire, I reflect upon the past.
Having always been one for organization, I was thrilled one day as a child when my
parents purchased for me a new pencil-box of my choice. I was enchanted by the tiny
drawers and compartments. The morning of my first day of school, I quickly slipped
on my favorite dress with matching socks, brushed my flaxen hair and slipped my new
pencil-box under my arm. I walked timidly into a small, one-room school located in a
farming community in Lancaster County, Pa. to begin my education. It didn’t take me
long to learn a very important lesson which remains vivid in my memory even today.
Placing my pencil-box upon my desk for all to admire, I searched for a friendly face.
Little time passed before a handsome young man of no more than seven years approached
my desk. With a smirk on his face, he announced that he liked my pencil box. Not
having yet learned to set boundaries very well, I was unprepared for what happened next!
My new “friend” boldly asked me if he could have my new pencil-box! A shy child and
wanting to be accepted, I swallowed the lump in my throat, nodded my head as I slid my
precious treasure across the desk to him. My little heart was broken. Somehow, I knew
he didn’t really want to be my friend. Within a day or so, another little girl became the
proud owner of my pencil-box. She seemed very pleased with her good fortune! Sad but
wiser, I returned home that evening knowing true friendship can never be bought for any
Human friendship and love is often self-centered and very immature at best. So often
we give to get! Contrary to the norm, I have two friends who will never betray me.
Their devotion is absolute. If their love were based upon my goodness, performance or
my new pencil-box, I would be very insecure in my relationship, afraid their love would
be withdrawn at any time. However, I am free to please them out of a sense of love and
appreciation rather than a desire to earn their favor. One of those friends is Harold, my
husband of 52 years. My other friend is Jesus Christ. Have you met Him? He is always
ready to make new friends!
“Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends.” John

Monday, February 21, 2011

February 14

February 14, 2011~

Happy Valentine’s Day! 
God Loves each of us as if we were the only one!
The very best Valentine of all!

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” ~John 3:16

Now, this has been a different way to spend Valentine’s Day.  I have slept through most of it. But that is a good thing, since I worked all night long and have to work again tonight. I woke up to a dozen red roses on the table! They are beautiful!

Happy For A Reason reason’s:
1.       A loving, merciful, all power full God!
2.       My Valentine, Ron, who has been my Valentine for 29 years!
3.       The beautiful red roses that are on my table!
4.       My oldest daughter, came over and moved all the pruned branches out of the orchard.
5.       The rain stayed away while she was working outside!

February 13

February 13, 2011~
Today, I got home around 7:00 am. Off to bed I went, so I could get much needed sleep! Was ready to get up around 2:45 pm. Fixed lunch, since Ron was doing the girls taxes, then went for a walk under the big umbrella, in the rain.  Knowing I needed to go back to work this evening I have just been relaxing, but the most enjoyable thing I did was bake brownies with my Valentine! They are in the oven baking as I am typing. Oh, the house smells yummy!
Happy For A Reason reason’s:
1.       Rest for my weary body, after a very busy, long, night of work! The computer was down for monthly maintenance last night from 12:01 am until 5:30 am.  Of course, that didn’t keep the patients away!  Actually, it wasn’t so bad, because of the great crew of people I was working with, plus a few extras, not to mention some really nice people for patients.
2.       Time spent walking, visiting, and baking with my most wonderful Valentine!
3.       A double sized umbrella, so we could walk in the rain without getting soaked! Something that one really needs when living in Oregon!
4.       A great neighbor who made, and replaced our neighborhood mailbox stand! It keeps getting wiped out by people cutting the corner to tight with horse trailers and such. He moved it as well so we shouldn’t be as likely to have them taken out unless someone speeds around the corner too fast.
5.       Vocabulary words! Communication with others is made so much easier because of the ability to use words. There are so many ways that words can make life easier and more pleasant. A card, a letter or a phone call from someone who cares are some of the ways words can be used to encourage. It would be so much more difficult to get my feelings and emotions across, not to mention needs without the gift of words!

February 12

February 12, 2011~
I just returned from a 2 ½ mile hike in the woods behind our house. It is a cloudy and blustery day outside, yet the temperature feels quit balmy. They say a storm is coming and by the sounds of the wind, I believe they must be right. The chill that has been in the air the last week is gone. The walk in the woods with my husband was invigorating and enjoyable. We did stay on the trail this time! No cross country hiking for today! As I walk, sometimes songs flow through my mind. Today, it is Great Is Thy Faithfulness.     
"Great is Thy faithfulness," O God my Father,
There is no shadow of turning with Thee;
Thou changest not, Thy compassions, they fail not
As Thou hast been Thou forever wilt be.

"Great is Thy faithfulness!" "Great is Thy faithfulness!"
      Morning by morning new mercies I see;
      All I have needed Thy hand hath provided—
      "Great is Thy faithfulness," Lord, unto me!

Summer and winter, and springtime and harvest,
Sun, moon and stars in their courses above,
Join with all nature in manifold witness
To Thy great faithfulness, mercy and love.

Pardon for sin and a peace that endureth,
Thy own dear presence to cheer and to guide;
Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow,
Blessings all mine, with ten thousand beside!

God has given us so much and even in the difficult times, He is there for us, beside us, helping us, and even carrying us if that is what we need! Yes, Great Is Thy Faithfullness, Oh, Lord Most High!
Happy For A Reason reason’s:
1.       God’s faithfulness! He never changes!
2.       Safely through another week.
3.       Sabbath…. A day for spending time with God, family, and friends… without the interruptions of  the normal routine things that seem to interrupt each day.
4.       Walk in the woods, enjoying the sound of the wind in the trees, and at times feeling the breeze on my face. It was so refreshing. I am always amazed at how invigorating a bit of activity in the outdoors feels!
5.       Shelter in a time of storm! With a storm coming, I am so thankful for a home where I can be out of the wind, rain and cold. Again, another song comes to my mind, A Shelter in a Time of Storm.  Jesus is that Shelter!
I know that should be the end of my list but I just have to add  one more!
6.       My second oldest son! His birthday is today, I am not able to talk to him today and wish him happy birthday, but my thoughts are with him as I send up a birthday prayer for him! Hugs to you my son!

February 11

February 11, 2011~
Another lovely day for a walk. I do think the neighbors must have a mole farm! At least by looking at all the mole hills in their yard, one would come to this conclusion.  Our yard is nothing compared to theirs!
Happy For A Reason reason’s:
1.       Happy the moles don’t all think they have to take up residence in my yard!
2.       Accomplished all of my to do list and I’m ready for my 5 days of work.
3.       One of the girls got a new job!                                                          
4.       Happy I have this lovely bench to sit on. Made for me by my youngest son and my husband!
5.       Memories! Sitting here on the bench made for me by loving hands is bringing back so many memories for which I can be happy!

February 10

February 10, 2011~
Beautiful day…I got an excellent report card from the orthopedic doctor. He said, “I don’t want to waste your time by scheduling another visit unless you feel you need to see me.”  So, four more weeks of Physical Therapy and I’m done!  Will miss the great people there, but it will be nice to have more time to do other things, not to mention leaving with a shoulder that is much less painful and moves much more freely! Maybe I can go back and visit them from time to time with a plate of Happy Cookies!
After the doctors visit, I visited with several of my co-workers that I rarely get to see, since I work nights. Chatting with Andrea, Karen, Frances, and Connie, brought a smile to my face!
OK, so I better get started on my Happy For A Reason reasons:
1.      Good “report card” with my orthopedic doctor!
2.      Having the time to stop and chat with co-worker!
3.      Watching the movie, Forks Over Knives. It was a very interesting movie with lots of food for thought! No pun-intended. Everyone should check it out.  I was so impressed I believe I’ll try to buy a DVD of it!
4.      A husband that was willing to accompany me to Forks Over Knives. I do believe he was going just for me, but ended up enjoying it as well! The way I know is, he talked about it most of the way home and into the evening? Really, it is good, and informative!
5.      Great weather for going on a walk and visiting with two of our neighbors!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

February 9

February 9, 2011~
This morning, Ron had to get up early and head off to a meeting with one of his clients. So after eating breakfast with him, then cleaning up, I figured it was an excellent time for some exercise. It was a beautiful, frosty, enchanting morning! Sparkles everywhere I looked. Frozen mud puddles, of course, not on my lane! ~smile~ Even in the frozen mud puddles, there was beauty! I just had to take some pictures. Only having a very small pocket camera, I am unable to capture all the beauty that I see, feel, and hear. Oh, yes, I didn’t mention the fun I had taking Sheba along. Well, at least for the first half of the walk. She would much rather chase everything that moves, and I prefer to stay on the trail!
Happy For A Reason reason’s:
1.      Such a lovely place to live, where I can go out and enjoy my walks in the nature that God created for my enjoyment.
2.      The beauty that comes when there is a heavy frost, topped with bright morning sunshine!
3.      The interesting formations that I found as I walked among the frozen potholes! Some of what I saw: a person petting two horses, a heart, and a dolphin (that is when my camera battery died.) It was kind of like looking at the clouds and seeing what shapes I could see in the sky.
4.      I am thankful my house isn’t on fire, I’m not in an accident, or seriously sick! These were my thoughts as I was nearing the end of my walk. In the distance I could hear the siren of a fire truck, which is something we don’t hear too much out here.
5.      I am so thankful for all those firemen, paramedics and police, who risk their lives each day for others, who are usually total strangers to them.