Monday, January 31, 2011

January 31

January 31, 2011~
Today I am thinking of how grateful I am for my home. It is in the country and I have great neighbors, pets, and family. I am reminded of the saying; Home is where your heart is. 
Happy For A Reason reason’s:
1.     My home! It is not just a house, but a place where I am free to be me and enjoy company with my family and friends. Yes, home is where my heart is!
2.     Country living! No noise from traffic, just the sounds of birds, farm animals, and the wind in the trees.
3.     Great Neighbors! I am blessed to have neighbors all up and down the road that care and look out for one another. They are ready to lend a helping hand when needed.
4.     A sweetheart of a kitty! Never had a cat that wanted to be next to me whenever I am around!
5.     Throat drops! I don’t know if it is allergies or if I am trying to come down with the cold that so many others have had, but, for a scratchy throat, it is sure nice to have some throat drops!
And now, this is the last day of January. I’m 1/12th of the way through the year with my God!
~God is Good all the time! All the time God is Good!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

January 30

January 30, 2011~
I’m back at work, doing my long stretch.  Oh, how good sleep feels! I love my work, the atmosphere, and the great people I work with, but this night stuff seems to take a bit more out of one than working days. So, for the days I work, it means a bit of extra sleep and less play.  It somehow all seems to come out OK in the end! And oh, how nice my days off feel!
Happy For A Reason reason’s:
1.     Fruit trees…there is no evidence of fruit on them right now, but just wait until spring!
2.     Pot holes…hmmm, there are a lot less of them now! As I was filling them with gravel, I thought about the “pot holes” in my life. I need to be sure to fill them with the right “stuff” or they will just become bigger and bigger! Here is where I found the recommendation for the right “stuff”: “…whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things.” ~Philippians 4:8, NKJV
3.     Physical exercise…It feels so good after working out in the orchard, picking up the branches left from pruning, then going down the driveway filling potholes. I’m tired, but a good tired, and I have a feeling of accomplishment.
4.     People…everyone is different and special in their own way.         
5.     Bible lessons… The lessons we are doing this quarter at church are terrific. They are entitled, Jesus Wept, the Bible and Human Emotions.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

January 29

January 29, 2011~
I have good health, don’t live a life style that is destructive, and no inherited health issues. This is not something that everyone has. Last night at work more than once I had a reminder of this. Life is fragile and can be gone in the blink of the eye. I have this moment. What I choose to do with it is up to me. How will I choose to use this moment? May it make a difference, not only in my life, but also in the lives of others.
"People will forget what you said, People will forget what you did, but
  people will never forget how you made them feel."            
And now, my Happy For A Reason reason’s for today:
1.        I have this moment. A moment with which I can make a difference in the lives of those around me.
2.       I have family.
3.       I have good health.
4.      I have all my needs supplied and more.
5.       I have a God who watches over all and cares for me.        
"Cast all your cares on him because he cares for you.” 1 Peter 5:7, NKJV

Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. Leave the rest
  to God.

January 28

January 28, 2011~
Life is too precious, and too short to waste even one minute not being happy! I know, I’ve wasted more than my share. But I’ve learned it is a choice, and I really can be happy because I have reasons to be happy! Some of my reasons may seem small and trivial, while others are not. So much I tend to take for granted, and yet without them life would be so different or nonexistent. As each day passes by, and I practice being grateful for “all” things, I find it coming easier most of the time. I think my most difficult time is when I am just plain tired. The more exhausted I am the more challenging it is, but, I have found it possible and it is amazing how this little exercise helps lift my spirits! 
“God does not take away trials or carry us over them, but strengthens us through them.” ~Pusey
Happy For A Reason reason’s:
1.     Beautiful music
2.     The variety of weather I have seen today, sunshine, wind, rain. Add to that the sound of the birds makes for enjoyable and soothing atmosphere.
3.     Time to rest before going to work all night (Matthew 11:28 come unto me all ye who….)
4.     God’s  precious promises
5.     Sabbath

January 27

January 27, 2011~
This was a day filled with much activity. I was up and at it very early and off to the dentist. The nice thing about it was that I was able to see a very beautiful sunrise! The strange thing about it was that If I looked towards the sunrise it was clear and beautiful, when I looked the other direction, it was thick fog. I had to drive into it for a short time then back to the sunrise! What was really different with this fog was that it was just in patches and only about 50 feet high, and all around it was clear. I was truly driving in the clouds. Again, my camera was home.  When will I ever learn?  Well, on to the Happy For A Reason reason’s:
1.   The beauty that surrounds me in nature, from morning until night.
2.   Fresh air and sunshine! The sunshine won’t last forever so I appreciate each day I get!
3.   My Dentist! I guess I have to go back and see him again….have a cavity.
4.   Fillings. If I couldn’t get a filling, my tooth would get worse and worse, and then it would need pulled.
5.   The carwash! Boy, did my van need it today!

The best remedy for those who are afraid, lonely or unhappy is
     to go outside, somewhere where they can be quiet, alone
     with the heavens, nature and God.

Because only then does one feel that all is as it should be and
     that God wishes to see people happy, amidst the simple
     beauty of nature.  I firmly believe that nature brings solace
     in all troubles. 
                                                                                 - Anne Frank 

January 26

January 26, 2011~
What a beautiful day! I enjoyed the blue sky, sun shining, a few clouds now and then, fog forming around the mountain only to disappear and then return again. If I wanted to get a picture, I had to be quick because by the time I went to get it the scene would change. Yes, it has been a lovely day as far as the weather was concerned!  
Happy For A Reason Reason’s:
1.       A beautiful day!
2.       The temperature was just about perfect for a three mile walk!
3.       Many chores done!
4.       Company on my walk!
5.       Another beautiful sunset!

”A man who has friends must himself be friendly, But there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.”  Proverbs 18:24~

January 25

January 25, 2011~
Wow, my son did a great job pruning the fruit trees! A big thank you to him! Half of the orchard done in one afternoon! I guess I just need to get right to my Happy for A Reason reason’s:
1.       A son who was willing to take the time out of his busy schedule to prune our fruit trees which were in desperate need!
2.       I’m making great progress with my physical therapy! I’m getting much more movement in my shoulder, with much less pain.
3.       Two great physical therapists!
4.       A very cheerful and pleasant receptionist in the PT office, who always makes me smile!
5.       My washing machine! Wow, what a job it would be to do all the wash the old fashioned way!
Here is a quote for the day!  Forget injuries, never forget kindnesses.” – Confucius

Friday, January 28, 2011

January 24

January 24, 2011~
For some reason it is difficult for me to think of specifics today, but, I am going to do it. As I sit here listening to the birds, I know and am thankful for an awesome God who thought of my every need, as well as the need of each creature and living thing He created. He is with me even when I may not “feel” Him here. There are so many times I do feel  His presence, and it is times like these I remember  those times and know without a doubt He is still here carrying me through.   And now my Happy For a Reason reason’s:
1.       Singing birds
2.       Green grass
3.       Blue sky  with clouds of different shapes and shades
4.       The view of a beautiful Mountain
5.       An Awesome Creator God
Thank you Lord, for the beauty you created, green grass, blue sky, white, grey, and   black clouds, and a view of Mount Hood blanketed with a covering of fresh snow, peaking through the clouds.

January 23

January 23, 2011~
No sunshine today, but that doesn’t mean that I cannot have sunshine in my soul!
Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine.”  ~Anthony J. D'Angelo
Happy For A Reason reason’s:
1.       The girls came over and helped me get all kinds of cleaning done around the house and yard!
2.      My van!   
3.      Stop lights! If we didn’t have stop lights  in town we’d have a huge traffic jam, not to mention more accidents. Having the traffic lights made my life much easier today!
4.      House plants, they bring a room alive! It brings a little bit of the outdoors inside, especially in the winter.
5.      My little cactus from Arizona. It brings back memories of special times!

I had the blues because I had no shoes until upon the street, I met a man who had no feet.  ~Ancient Persian Saying

January 22

January 22, 2011~
Yesterday, I was excited about going up on the mountain to cross-country ski. I went out and found our skis, blew the dust off them, got them all shinny and clean then fit them in the car with the boots. There, I was ready, everything was set and we’d be able to just get up and get going early. As we sat and talked about where we were going to park, it dawned on me that I had forgotten to buy the sno-park pass! Oh, what a bummer! I have to admit I was very disappointed as I had been planning and hoping for this day. I was unable to go skiing the last two years because of one thing or another. Then another situation arose that was so emotionally draining it would have been very easy to get down and let myself have a negative attitude but, again I reminded myself it is a choice.  I can choose misery or happiness.  Don’t know about anyone else but I don’t like misery! So here are my Happiness For A Reason reason’s:
1.      I can still go out and enjoy the outdoors!
2.      Found a new place to walk near the Columbia River. We walked almost five miles and ran out of time.
3.       Enjoyed seeing a blue heron, hundreds of dogs (or so it seemed) and interesting people. Most of all it was fun watching the dogs romp and play in the mud puddles. This may seem like a very ordinary thing, but these dogs must have been city dogs that don’t get to run and play in fields much because they would run through the fields and find a big puddle and run back and forth through them with water flying. We did save one ladies dog from having a roll in horse droppings. I really don’t think she would have had a fun ride home with a stinky dog!
4.      I got to enjoy all this with my husband and the weather was perfect!
5.      Two of the girls came over with a friend and we enjoyed an evening of popcorn and games!
Another day I’ll be able to enjoy the mountain!
Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul. ~John Muir

January 21

January 21, 2011~
This morning when I got up and looked outside it was clear. But as I watched, the scene changed before my eyes. Fog was forming right around us and soon the mountain was out of sight not to mention many things much closer. I have to admit that it was a pleasure to watch and the fog did create a different effect that was nice.  For some reason, of which I don’t understand, I never even took one picture. I guess I was just in a fog….. well, out of the fog and on to my Happy For A Reason reason’s:
1.      The beauty I enjoyed this morning as I watched the fog appear.
2.      I could have a relaxing day.
3.      Headaches don’t last forever!
4.      Had lots to do and got lots done!
5.      My husband has work! After five months with no work and three with only a trickle of work, this is fantastic!

Friday, January 21, 2011

January 20

January 20, 2011 ~
I am always amazed at God’s timing! A friend sent an e-mail full of encouraging words and a quote that I needed! So here I share it with you.
                  ~ "God is more powerful than any problem that I may have to face today!"
That put a great big smile on my face. I think that is where I will begin my Happy For A Reason reason’s:
1.      A God who is more powerful than any problem I have!
2.      I get to spend the night in my own bed….the rains caused floods up on the mountain, the rivers flooded, roads were washed away, at least 75 homes are cut off and  the people are unable to get home.
3.      Finding a pair of shoes that fit and are actually comfortable!  Shopping for shoes is not my most favorite thing to do. In fact, I would have to say it would be at the bottom of my list, except for the fact that I need comfortable shoes for work since I do a lot of walking. Yeah, for Merrel walking shoes!  Hmm… there are sure a lot of verses in the Bible about walking. Two of them are:
 “For the Lord God is a sun and shield; The Lord will give grace and glory; No good thing will He withhold from those who walk uprightly.” Psalm 84:11
“Your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, ‘This is the way, walk in it,’ whenever you turn to the right hand or whenever you turn to the left.” Isaiah 30:21 

4.      God doesn’t leave us alone to find our way! He gives us direction as promised in Isaiah 30:21.
5.      Apples! Believe it or not I still have some of the golden delicious apples that we bought for canning at the end of October! Since they are in need of being used up before too much longer, I am trying all kinds of apple recipes. Today it was baked apples. They were quick and easy to make, not to mention delicious!  
Boxing the apples in October! A Yearly event.
January Apple Pie!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

January 19

January 19, 2011~
As I was driving home on the country roads this morning, with the rain pouring down, it was dark and as I neared a twist in the road, car after car was heading my way. The light from the headlights in the rain was blinding. I have to admit it was a bit irritating! Then I got to thinking how thankful I was that I had headlights! If I didn’t have headlights on the car I would have to go to work several hours earlier and stay at least one hour later in the morning.  There goes my free time for the days I work.  My work days would truly become days of eat, work, sleep, only to start all over again.  Well, for now thoughts of work I think I’ll set aside since I now am beginning my five days off! (Shhh….don’t anyone tell my boss!)
1.      I already mentioned headlights, but need to put it on my list. I am also remembering how many times the light from the headlights helped me see a deer that I just missed as I was going to and from work.
2.      Oh, how happy I am for the time to relax and recharge!           
3.      Phones… I guess that can be a blessing or a curse. But for me today I can say it was another reason I have to be happy!
4.      I was able to have a much needed conversation with my youngest. 
5.      For my youngest son, who has no idea how much he has taught me.
                                    To love someone is to see him as God intends Him ~ Dostevski

January 18

January 18, 2911 ~
Working nights brings with it many challenges. I believe that the biggest one is that I need sleep while all the rest of the world is awake, moving, and the sun is up. Even most of the animals around me get their sleep during the night….. so are they quiet? Not a chance! When I had been sound asleep for only three hours and hear Emma, the donkey, braying right outside my window, (at least it sounded like it was just outside my window) it did not immediately bring a smile too my face!  It was as if she was saying, “Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!” Happy thoughts weren’t my first thoughts but, it didn’t take long to realize that if I was going to get back to sleep, it would be easier if I got a better attitude real fast! Yep, it is all about choices. So I begin my Happy For A Reason reason’s:
1.      I am happy my hearing is working just fine!
2.      Donkeys are rather interesting animals. I was doing some research on donkeys one day when my kids we young and found out this interesting fact.  All donkeys have a cross on their back. Each time I see the back of a donkey now, I am reminded of the story of the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem while riding on the young donkey, only a short time before He died on the cross for me.
3.      It is the last day of my long stretch of nights at work!
4.      I will have five days off!
5.      After the donkey waking me up, I just have to say, I am enjoying “quiet” right now!

January 17

January 17, 2011~
Today is garbage pick up day.  Now, I have never thought much about it, but I am very thankful for garbage pick up!  It has also gotten me thinking about a few things. First, I have more than enough garbage in my life, I don’t need any more. Actually, I don’t know anyone who doesn’t have some garbage issues. Some people may think it is a crutch, but I know from personnel experience that it is real! I can give my garbage to Christ, who doesn’t just come around once a week, and He takes it and dumps it in the bottom of the ocean where there is a no fishing sign! What peace and happiness He gives me in return. "He will again have compassion on us, and will subdue our iniquities. You will cast all our sins into the depths of the sea." ~Micah 7:19.

 OK, so now my Happy For A Reason reason’s:
1.      Garbage pick up day-
2.      Garbage Man- It isn’t the most sought after or desirable job and also one that people, me included, rarely show appreciation for.  Hmmm… I wonder what I can do to change that.
3.      Garbage Trucks- If there were no big garbage trucks it would take forever to pick up and remove garbage! No weekly service, more exspensive, and time consuming.
4.      Garbage Dumps- I can only imagine what life would be without garbage dumps to take my garbage to. I guess, I got a glimps of that when I was in Belize, years ago, and saw trash and garbage out in public areas and along the beautiful sea shore. Not so beautiful with the trash and pollution.
5.      The gift that Christ gives me, freedom from the garbage in my life! The key is giving the garbage to Him each time it comes along, even at times when my thoughts take it back.
 "Casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you." ~1 Peter 5:7

Sunday, January 16, 2011

January 16

January 16, 2011~
A lot of water is going under the bridge right now! It has rained hard all day! Reminds me of the song I learned in church when I was little. “The rain came down and the floods came up, the rain came down and the floods came up, and the house on the Rock stood firm!” Yes, there is a lesson to be learned with that simple little song. As long as my focus is on the, “Rock," Jesus Christ, I will be able to stand the fiercest of storms. Notice, I didn’t say I’d enjoy it, I said I’d be able to stand. Actually, it isn’t me that stands it is Him, through me!
My Happy for A Reason List:
1.      Memories of little things like this little song from childhood!
2.      The Solid Rock, Jesus Christ, who is always by my side! 
3.      His example for me written in His Word: Matthew 11:29, NIV
 “Learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart”
4.      Instruction…. So many times, I’ll start out to do something and being a hands-on kind of person, I just want to get in and do it, or be shown. Then when it isn’t working, or I just can’t figure it out, this saying comes to mind, “when all else fails, read the instructions!”  I am so glad that I have instruction for a happy life!
      “ He who would love life
      And see good days,
       Let him refrain his tongue from evil,
      And his lips from speaking deceit.
11 Let him turn away from evil and do good;
       Let him seek peace and pursue it.
12 For the eyes of the LORD are on the righteous,
       And His ears are open to their prayers;
      But the face of the LORD is against those who do evil.”
                                                1 Peter 3:10-12, NKJV

5.      The ablility to exercise and stay fit. Today it had to be inside using a DVD, but it wasn’t so bad! 30 min. equals two miles!
So....what are your Happy For a Reason reasons?

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Januarry 15

January 15, 2011~
What a wonderful day it has been! All I can say is: God is good all the time and all the time God is good!   And here are my Happy For A Reason reasons:
1.      It is Sabbath.
2.      I didn’t have to work last night. (Normally I would have been working but had traded a day with someone earlier in the week.)
3.      Facebook…..(if I hadn’t of checked Facebook, and posted a message, I would of missed a blessing today!)
4.      God used me to help someone and in doing that I was also blessed! If I had of worked last night or if I hadn’t checked my Facebook none of this would of happened.
5.      Ron and I were able  to take lunch over and  spend time with my brother-in-law who is recouping from surgery.
                     “Faith is not believing God can, it is knowing that God will."

Friday, January 14, 2011

January 14

January 14, 2011~
What a relaxing day this has been…. Well, in a way!  Let me see, maybe I can explain by going right to my Happy For A Reason reasons:
1.   I got to sleep-in this morning, not for long, but it was until I was ready to get up. This isn’t something I do very often. Amazing what enough sleep does for ones positive attitude!
2.   Didn’t have any appointments or reason I needed to go anywhere so this was totally a stay at home day!
3.   Anyone who has been to my house on Friday would know that I make out my Friday “To Do” list and it is rarely short! Well, it was the normal size and yet I got everything on it done, and a couple of extra things as well!   
4.   How about a sixth sense?  Since I was thankful for my five senses yesterday I will add the sixth sense. A Sense of Humor! Today I was making something in the kitchen while Ron was in the family room working.  I let out a “Oh, no!” as I made a big gooey mess that went all over the floor. The blender was going so Ron couldn’t hear me. At that time Ron asked what I was making. My reply was, “A mess!”  To which Ron replies, “that will do.”  It was what I needed to lighten up the moment as I started the clean up!
5.   I love Friday evenings! For me it is the start of the Sabbath. A day of rest, from the regular every day routine, special time set aside to spend with God, family, and friends.