Thursday, August 23, 2012

March 11

 March 11, 2012 ~

Watching the birds feed at the feeder was rather amusing today! I noticed that there were new little birds at the feeder, and they are not shy! When the Oregon Junco’s came flying up to the feeder, the little birds fluffed up their little wings and scared them away. Well, from the feeder that is. But maybe the Junco’s are the smarter bird. One comes and makes a ruckus, then the others fly down to the ground because they know this will cause more seeds to fall to the ground. Reminds me of Romans 8:28:

“And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.”

Happy For A Reason Reasons:

1.       Time change last night. What fun to see the hour hand speed ahead to 3:00am!

2.       I actually thought it would be a slower night at work last night, not the case. Another busy night, to make the time fly by. Nothing like a busy night added to a time change to make the night fly by.

3.       Another lovely meal made by Ron who….

4.       Let me sleep all day long, or try to sleep. I actually got a whole 5 hours of sleep!

5.       The lessons  learned at my bird feeder today.

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