Monday, April 9, 2012

February 6

February 6, 2012 ~

"But encourage one another day after day..." Hebrews 3:13

Half way through my morning, I made a call to the court house to see if the trial, I had received a subpoena for, was still going to proceed as scheduled. To my surprise, the answer was no! There was going to be a plea and the case would be closed! I was so excited. This meant that the people involved would get the help they needed and an added bonus was that I would get to come home and go to bed in the morning after work, instead of spending the whole day at the court house waiting to be called. I was excited about the positive turn of the events and called my sister and my mother to share my excitement! After sharing with my mother, she said, “When I prayed for you this morning, I asked God to cause something exciting to happen for Barbara today!” Her prayer was answered!  It may seem like a small thing, but guess what? I’m happy, she is happy, and I know God is smiling!
Happy For A Reason Reasons:
1.       God works in mysterious ways!
2.       Phones!
3.       The prayers of my mother!
4.       The prayers of everyone who prayers for me! Every now and then I hear of someone who is praying for me and my family, and I had no idea. It is such a great encouragement!
5.       An  invigorating walk in the wind! It was so refreshing!  

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