Monday, February 20, 2012

January 15

January 15, 2012 ~

"Come now, let us reason together, says the LORD: though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall become like wool."~Isaiah 1:18, ESV

I made it about half way home, when I hit snowy roads. The closer I came to home, the prettier things became! Areas that had been muddy or things had just died down leaving the area rather messy or barren, where now covered with a fresh, sparkly snow fall. I was reminded of this verse. Just like Jesus has done in nature, He can do in my life. The difference is, the snow will eventually melt away, where His promise to make my sins white as snow, stands forever. When I accept His gift of forgiveness, the filth and grime of my sins are pardoned and washed away leaving me whiter than snow.

Happy For A Reasons Reasons:
1.    Though my sins are red like scarlet, they shall be white as snow! Praise God!
2.    The beauty of fresh snow!
3.    The snow didn’t stick on the roads until I was half way home, and out of city traffic!
4.    I made it home safely!
5.    A camera, to capture some of the beauty, created by the snow.

Friday, February 17, 2012

January 14

Face To Face With Christ My Savior
January 14, 2012 ~

The end of the week has come and Ron is home safe and sound! I went to pick him up at the airport, only to have him take me to work, so I can work all night. Nice thing about that is, he will come pick me up in the morning, and I will get to sleep all the way home!
Happy For A Reason Reasons:
1.       Ron is home!
2.       Ron’s plane was on time! So I won’t be late to work!
3.       We actually had thirty minutes to sit and talk before I had to clock in to work. Talking face to face is much nicer than talking on the phone.
4.       Each day, is a day closer to the day that I will be able to talk face to face with Christ my Savior!
5.       Someday soon I’ll be able to spend each day with Jesus, for eternity!

January 9

The fog that slowed Ron's travel  plans.
January 9, 2012 ~ 
Just talked to Ron and found out he finally made it to his destination in the wee hours of the morning! It only took him 16 hours! Fog at our airport made it so that the incoming flights could not land, which delayed his departure, causing him to miss his connecting flight, having a 9 hour, or more, layover in Seattle. At least he had a nice place to rest when he finally got there, and I am happy he landed safely!

"Two are better than one, because they have great reward for their toil..." ~Eccesiastes 4:9, ESV
Happy For A Reason Reasons:
1.       Ron made it safely to his destination. It was a long but safe trip.
2.       Mother, Judy and I made great progress in sorting, organizing, and discarding yesterday!
3.       Thanks for the delicious meal, mother! The squash was delicious!
4.       Squash! Hard to believe, but I never in my wildest dreams thought I’d say that when I was a kid!
5.    A very productive day!

Smiles, for a task accomplished!
One of the many pictures we found today!

January 8

January 8, 2012 ~

“If you bought it, a truck brought it.”

As I was riding along in the car this morning, I began reading bumper sitckers on the other vehicles we were sharing the freeway with. This bumper sticker got me thinking. After a little thought.... I came to the realization that it was more than likely true! Where upon, I realized trucks are deffinetly something to be thankful for!

Happy For A Reasons Reasons:

1.       Trucks! A truck met the boat that our car came on, took it to the dealer, where upon, we bought the car.

2.       That car is now transporting us to the airport, where Ron will catch the plane, whose parts were shipped on a truck somewhere along the line.

3.       Roads that I can drive the car on.

4.       Airport runways. For safe take off and landing of airplanes!

5.       People to drive those trucks that carry everything needed to make the roads and runways!
*Yesterday I updated my 2011, October 10th, post and today I updated October 11th. Sorry for the delay, more is coming.

January 7

January 7, 2012~
Did you know God’s been thinking about you?

“ For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” ~ Jeremiah 29:11

Thanks for sharing this thought, Pastor Bob! If I didn’t get any other message, I got this one today while I was at church! I’m so glad God has me in His thoughts, they are good thoughts and there is hope and a future! A future with Him for eternity! Thanks for the reminder!

Happy For A Reason Reasons:
1.       Pastor Bob didn’t preach today, but he did share a text that I needed to hear!
2.       Saw my friend Jackie, it has been a long time.
3.       Clarissa called and invited us over to her house for a visit!
4.       So…we grabbed the popcorn and were off! Popcorn! It wouldn’t be Saturday night without it!
5.       We were able to meet Clarissa’s other roommate, Lisa, and had an enjoyable time!

January 6

January 6, 2012~

When I get up and see a ribbon of pink across the eastern horizon, I know God is sending a beautiful sunrise! This morning I was not disappointed. I only wish the pictures could capture it all. I guess that is where I’ll start my happy reasons.
Happy For A Reason Reasons:
1.       A most beautiful sunrise!

2.       Time for a mile run!

3.       Another mile walk, only this one was with Ron!

4.       Sheba surprised me by coming back in the yard when I called!

5.       A day at home, with many things on my list accomplished!

Monday, February 6, 2012

January 5

January 5, 2012 ~

Happy Birthday Ron!

May God’s blessings abound to you
In every little way
May you taste and see His goodness
Every time you kneel to pray
May your day be brightened more
With your Father’s loving touch
And may you sense He’s with you now
And loves you very much.

© By M.S.Lowndes.

What a fun day this has been, in spite of being extremely tired by the time I got back home!
The day started off with a bang! Once Ron was off to work, I knew I had to bet busy, so I could be off to town for an appointment and then get all my birthday shopping done before my interview for my the different positions at work. I had not been able to do any birthday shopping ahead of time so the pressure was on!  Much to my amazement everything fell into place including the fact that I was able to find everything that I was looking for. Twice there was only one of the items left, but one was all I needed!
Happy For A Reason Reasons:
1.       The day went well, in spite of the pressure being on!
2.       Interview went well.
3.       It is Ron’s birthday!
4.       I found everything I had been looking for!
5.       I could fix a special candle light dinner for Ron, and it was done and ready for him when he got home!  Whew….  What fun it was! I love really being able to surprise people!

P.S. This has been posted one month late. I also have been able to update my October 2011 posts, so they are posted through October 16th. Be sure to check out the pictures and post on the 16th! Hope you enjoy them....

January 4

January 4, 2011 ~

GOD the Father is in control of time
And He said to them, “It is not for you to know times or seasons which the Father has put in His own authority.  ~ Acts 1:7, NKJV       And….

God makes everything happen at the right time! His timing is perfect!
”He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also He has put eternity in their hearts, except that no one can find out the work that God does from beginning to end.” ~ Ecc. 3:11, NKJV
I took the night off for no reason, or so I thought, thanks to a co-worker being willing to work for me on a moment’s notice.  Much to my amazement, it was a blessing in disguise! Today I had many surprises in store for me and I would not have been able to sleep. God worked it out ahead of time, giving me a great place to start my happy for a reason reasons!
Happy For A Reason Reasons:
1.      God makes everything happen at the right time, yes, even the things that might seems so small!
2.      God has everything under controle!
3.      My coworker was more than willing to work for me, at a moment’s notice! Thanks Camille!
4.      Trials…. Yes, really!
5.      Trials, help me see how much I really need God in my life!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

January 3

This picture is actually from one year ago today! We are a bit warmer today!
January 3, 2012~

Every day is a gift. It is another opportunity for a new start!

Ah, this past night was a much more relaxing night! Very productive for getting things done! One needs nights like this now and then, and it is truly a blessing to have it follow such a busy night the night before.
Happy For A Reason Reasons:
1.       A much needed, more relaxed night at work!
2.       The ability to get a lot of things done at work and in a timely manner.
3.       Great coworkers!
4.       Team work! Thanks guys!
5.       A safe drive home! Something I don’t take for granted! Driving tired isn’t the best thing to do!