Wednesday, November 30, 2011

November 5

November 5, 2011 ~
I was reading about the Israelites, how God delivered them from Egypt, and how He came to them in such a dramatic way as He spoke the law to them accompanied with lightning and thunder.  Why did He speak in such a dramatic way? Personally and quietly God had  spoken His promise to Abraham, years earlier, now He was giving the law to Abraham’s descendant in a much more dramatic way. 
The children of Israel had been in bondage for years and had to a great extent lost the knowledge of God that had been passed down to them from Abraham, so God sought to show them His power and mercy  by delivering them from Egypt, giving them the opportunity to be led to love and trust Him. Next He brought them to the Red Sea where they were trapped with no way to escape because the sea was in front of them as they were being pursued by the Egyptians from behind. With their escape humanly impossible, God brought them to the place where they would be able to realize how hopeless their situation was and their need for divine intervention; and then He delivered them by opening up the sea for them to pass over to the other side, only to have the Egyptians follow them and have the sea close in on them and swallow them up. It was then, as they watched their God deliver them, that they were filled with love, gratitude and a new confidence in Him. The Israelites now knew from experience that God could and would deliver them from physical bondage and danger.
Could it be that God had yet another truth that He wanted to impress them with? They had been living among people who were idolaters and corruption was all around them, for generations, leaving them with no true concept of the holiness of God. They did not realize how sinful their own hearts were and how they were unable, of themselves to obey God’s law. They didn’t even understand their need for a Savior. God needed a way to teach them.
This was when God brought them to Mount Sinai, where He spoke to them in a mighty way.  The law spoken by God was a condemnation to them. The law condemned them, yet there was no power in it to pardon or redeem them. It is the promise that was given so many years before, to Abraham, that pardons and saves.
The law shows and convicts of sin and teaches us how to live, faith in Jesus pardons. Jesus does what the law is unable to do.
Now for my that’s a reason to be happy today!
Happy For A Reason Reason’s:
1.       A God who cares enough to use whatever it takes to get my attention and let me know how much He loves and cares for me!
2.       Stories in the Bible that show me how God will do whatever He has to do to save me!
3.       The Law of God which is my teacher, showing me of my need of Jesus!
4.       A God who was willing to give His one and only Son to die in my place.
5.       Because of Jesus, the promise given to Abraham, so many years ago, is a reality in my life!

Yes, the law reveals sin and Jesus does what the law can never do, He pardons!

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