Friday, September 30, 2011

September 30, 2011

September 30, 2011 ~

Watch this video for a challenge for today! The lady, in the video who is sharing the story, is the same person who talked at our All Staff Assembly yesterday.

I have to admit, the day went much better than I had thought it would! In fact, as it turned out it was a pleasant day with multiple pleasant surprises. It actually started with an early morning Doctor visit at Occupational Medicine, to have an evaluation to see if he thought my left shoulder injury was related to work, since I have not had any specific injury. Well, he believes it is, but it looks like I may be in for reoccurring shoulder pain if I don’t keep my shoulders moving.  Extra exercise here I come! 

Next, I was on a mission to find canning peaches. I scored! It was a good enough price I called Judy and asked her if she wanted any. Well, I asked my mom to ask her, because Judy was driving. The answer was, “Yes, five boxes!”  Wow….I think she has her work cut out for her! Then I found out that Judy had just taken Mother and Daddy to Daddy’s follow up doctor visit. The findings were….his problems were probably all caused by the juice that he drank. It upset his stomach and he had other reactions as well.  Needless to say, we were very happy that he was given a good bill of health!
Happy For A Reason Reasons:
1.       The day went much better than I had expected! No need to get into why, but one thing for sure, God answers prayers!
2.       Great news at my dad’s doctor visit!
3.       Good price on peaches!
4.       My friend Gerri, brought me some fresh green beans she had picked today, for Ron’s supper!
5.       While Gerri was here, she helped me pick more blackberries! I think I’ll be making black berry jam on Sunday!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

September 29

September 29, 2011 ~

I meet other employees in the specified parking lot, got on the buses and headed to my All Staff Assembly. I almost felt like I was in an airplane, since these buses were so fancy! A nice video was playing that showed different employees stating why they enjoyed working at the hospital, as well as, pictures of employees in the different departments and clinics. None of us knew what to expect next, when we arrived at our destination and the red carpet was out, with a line on each side of all the hospital supervisors cheering us as we walked through, as if we were some famous team being welcomed home, it was a bit surprising! The morning was full of many surprises, great encouraging stories of how the employees had made a difference in the lives of different patients and their families. The really fun part was actually seeing Administration dressed in costumes and wigs while playing musical instruments as they really let loose while hamming it up! They are normal people with a great sense of humor and I applaud them for all the efforts they put out today to show their employees how much they appreciated each one.  We also had a great speaker who shared thoughts on attitudes and using our words to lift others up.  I believe this video  said it all!

Happy For A Reason Reasons:

1. The diversion from my normal routine and I got paid for it!
2. A terrific place to work!
3. The administration people at work are great. I believe the leadership of any organization set the tone. They really took some time and effort to make the All Staff Assembly a great uplifting and enjoyable experience for their employees, volunteers, and doctors.
4. The experience of seeing so many different fellow employees who I never see during the night.
5. I get to work with a great team! It really is a team. It starts with the volunteers, environmental specialists, laundry workers, cafeteria staff, clerical staff and goes right on up to the nurses and doctors. Without the different positions, the next ones up the ladder would have difficulty doing their job in a timely, most effective manner.

September 28

September 28, 2011 ~

“Nobody trips over mountains. It is the small pebble that causes you to stumble. Pass all the pebbles in your path and you will find you have crossed the mountain.” ~Author Unknown

It has been a busy day! The day started earlier than usual, since I was filling in for coworkers so they could attend the All Staff Assembly. I got off late, but made it in time to talk with all of Alissa’s teachers. They are a great bunch of teachers. We didn’t get home until 9:30 pm, making for a short night tonight since I have to be up early to make it to the bus for our All Staff Assembly.

Happy For A Reason Reasons:
1. Fun being back at work.
2. I feel better, after my Chiropractor visit!
3. I think I found out why my shoulder has been hurting!
4. I made it to Alissa’s Parent, Teacher, Student Conference. Better late than never!
5. Alissa has a great bunch of teachers!

September 27

September 27, 2011 ~

“Perseverance is not a long race; it is many short races one after another.” ~Walter Elliott, The Spiritual Life

It is done! Well, August postings, that is. Life has been so busy, hectic, challenging….what other words can I find to describe my summer?

Here I am at the posting for the end of August and I have only posted one September posting. I guess that says it all. At least I kept up with my journaling, so now we’ll see how long it takes me to get them all posted! And tomorrow I have to go back to work. Who knows, maybe being back to “normal” will help.

Happy For A Reason Reasons:
1. Getting closer to being caught up on my postings! Only one more month of postings and I’ll be caught up!
2. Thanks Jennifer for your encouragement and help!
3. Yummy soup… because I used a different brand of seasoning than I usually do I ended up with more than double what I meant to make and I had to really doctor it up! Ended up tasting very good!
4. Grocery shopping, something I have not done for a long while.
5. Ron and my 328th month anniversary!

September 26

September 26, 2011 ~

“Though the fig tree does not bud and there are no grapes on the vines, though the olive crop fails and the fields produce no food, though there are no sheep in the pen and no cattle in the stalls, yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will be joyful in God my Savior.” ~Habakkuk 3:17-18

This has been one of those days when I seem to never get anything done, no matter how hard I try. Unsettling phone calls have not helped. I must admit I was not practicing my own medicine, but was forgetting to find something to be happy about in whatever situation I find myself in. As I was wallowing in my own pity party a bird flew by my window and into the strawberry patch. It could my attention and I thought it was a female Western Blue Bird. When, sure enough, here came her mate! I had to call my Dad and tell him! I saw the birds several more times throughout the day, even on my mile walk! There were actually several pairs singing to me from the telephone wires as I walked along.

Happy For A Reason Reasons:
1. The ability to choose to become better rather than bitter!
2. A God who created a variety of different birds for my enjoyment!
3. The beautiful Western Blue Bird!
4. The opportunity to see several Western Blue Birds at one time and hear them singing their evening songs!
5. I could share my experience with my Dad who also enjoys bird watching!

September 25

September 25, 2011 ~

Last night when it started to rain we got in the van, crawled in our sleeping bags and fell fast asleep! Well, at least for awhile. The sound of the rain pounding the van woke us up a time or two. It was still a bit drippy when we got up in the morning, and the Mountain was basically covered with grey clouds. That was enough for us to say, “enough is enough” and we were off for home. The trip to Mount Rainer, has been more than worth it!

Happy For A Reason Reasons:
1. A van to stretch out and sleep in.
2. A nice dry place to sleep.
3. Gas in the van to get us home.
4. We emptied, vacuumed and got the seat back in the van before the rain came pouring down!
5. A surprise evening conversation, one of those God moments!

September 24

September 24, 2011 ~

“For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” ~Romans 8:38-39, NIV

An early morning phone call for help, got me awake, moving and out of the house early. As I was driving down the road, to help someone, there was a fog that made it difficult to see things clearly. I proceed to my destination and was struck by the many things that I see, even in the fog. It was as if someone was trying to hide everything from my view, yet, I could still see little glimpse of what was hidden in the fog. After helping someone, getting home, and having breakfast, Ron and I were off to Mount Rainer, only to find the fog and clouds trying to do the same thing again. No matter whether I can see it or not, the awesome beauty is still there. So it is with the love of God! As I jotted down my notes for this post, while I traveled along, I noticed that the pen I was using had a text on it. It was none other than Romans 8:38-39! I think God wants me to remember this one! Here is where I’ll start my reasons for being happy!

Happy For A Reason Reasons:
1. The fog which reminded me that there really is nothing that can separate me from the love of God!
2. The lone sunflower that was blooming along the side of the road. Planted there by a bird, no doubt. One more little surprise that reminds me of God’s love!
3. The white and yellow lines along the road, showing me this is the way, just as God’s Word does for me.
4. Sign posts along the road and stop lights shining through the fog warning me of what is ahead.
5. We made it to the East side of Mount Rainer! Hiked six miles. Awesome beauty!

Yes, all along the journey of life, God has little things that show me He loves and cares for me. There is nothing that can separate me from Him. Not even myself. I can choose to separate physically, mentally and spiritually, but God keeps on loving me anyway. He is always there no matter what.
Rainer National Park here we come!

It is going to be a long wait...45 minutes to be exact, but worth the wait!

Getting ready for the hike!

Which trail shall we take?
We did this one twenty years ago...on the way back down, Peter was asleep in Ron's arms. Everyone commented about the "little tuckered out hiker." What they didn't know was he had not hiked any of the trail. He'd been awake nearly all night, in the car with Mom, who never slept either. But there was no one to carry me. ...we choose a different trail this time! (I wonder if I can find the pictures from twenty years ago?...if I do I'll have to post one or two!)
If you look real hard, you can see Mount Baker!

It is getting stormy! The wind is blowing..... not bad enough to call it quits as of yet!

Ron hiking the rocky stretch...

Looking back...

A furry friend...

They even provide the comforts of home at Shadow Lake!

Huge Mosquitoes!!!

Sunset is coming!

September 23

September 23, 2011 ~ 

A Verse for the Day

 “Help us, O God of our salvation, for the glory of Thy name: and deliver us, and purge away our sins, for Thy name’s sake.” ~Psalm 79:9 

A Quote for the Day

“We are products of our past, but we don’t have to be prisoners of it. God’s purpose is not limited by your past. He turned a murderer named Moses into a leader, and a coward named Gideon into a courageous hero, and He can do amazing things with the rest of your life,, too. God specializes in giving people a fresh start.” ~Rick Warren

Happy For A Reason Reasons:

1.       Daddy went home today!
2.       Mother urgently needed to talk to the doctor, the one who was on call was not willing to help her. She was persistent and actually was able to talk to the very doctor that had seen him in the hospital and she’d been told that wasn’t possible!
3.       Ready for camping!
4.       We are leaving tomorrow to camp on Mount Rainer!
5.       I canned 10 pints of black berries and picked some more!

September 22

September 22, 2011 ~
Some days just don’t go as I plan. I started doing chores and while mixing bread this morning, I got a call from mother. She and Daddy were parked, eating their sack lunch, while passing the time until Daddy’s doctor appointment. While we were talking, Daddy had a seizure. The blessing was, they were only a few blocks from the hospital.  They quickly got him into a room and evaluated. Thanks to the great nurses, doctors, CNA’s and volunteers who made his time in ER more pleasant and yet kept his medical care moving. 

Happy For A Reason Reasons:

1.       Mother got Daddy to the hospital quickly.
2.       Great medical staff.
3.       Funny and pleasant volunteers who helped put a smile on Daddy’s face.
4.       Few chores done before the excitement began.
5.       The bread finally got baked, after spending most of the day in the fridge, and no worse for the wear!

September 21

September 21, 2011 ~  

The chorus to the song, Jesus Never Fails, kept going through my mind today, so I went looking for the song. May it be an encouragement to all who hear.

Happy For A Reason Reasons:

1.       Ron was willing to leave earlier this morning so that I didn’t have to make a trip into town to take Alissa to school.
2.       Yummy veggies from the garden!
3.       Our corn isn’t ready yet, but the neighbors gave us corn out of their garden. 
4.       Blackberries picked and jam made with Gerri! Oh, it tastes so good!
5.       A few chores done! Just means that much less to do tomorrow!

September 20

September 20, 2011~

This morning I received an encouraging call from my supervisor, there are all kinds of changes taking place, and the administration is doing a great job in trying to make the workplace a better and more enjoyable place to work. It is encouraging to see them not only wanting their employees to support their mission to demonstrate the human expression of the healing ministry of Jesus Christ, but they are doing it as well.

Happy For A Reason Reasons:
1.       Relaxing day at home. It is especially nice after all the traveling!
2.       A mile walk.
3.       I was able to get ¾ of the yard mowed today!
4.       Encouraging call from my supervisor.
5.       I work at a place where I can freely live my passion, to make a difference in the lives of others for eternity.

September 19

September 19, 2011~
1 To everything there is a season,
A time for every purpose under heaven:
2 A time to be born,
And a time to die;
A time to plant,
And a time to pluck what is planted;
3 A time to kill,
And a time to heal;
A time to break down,
And a time to build up;
4 A time to weep,
And a time to laugh;
A time to mourn,
And a time to dance;
5 A time to cast away stones,
And a time to gather stones;
A time to embrace,
And a time to refrain from embracing;
6 A time to gain,
And a time to lose;
A time to keep,
And a time to throw away;
7 A time to tear,
And a time to sew;
A time to keep silence,
And a time to speak;
8 A time to love,
And a time to hate;
A time of war,
And a time of peace.
~Ecclesiastes 3:1-7, NKJV
After saying goodbye to our friends we head to the airport for the long and tedious flight home. On the last leg of the journey I called La’Quon to tell him that we were about ready to board the next plane, which was the last leg of our journey home.  He sounded so good and was very happy about how his day had gone! He appears to be taking our challenge very seriously! Woohoo! Go La’Quon!
Upon arriving home I got out of the car was greeted by the wonderful smell of Fir trees! I took a deep breath. At the gate, ready to greet me, was my dog Sheba, who would have given me a bath of doggy kisses, if only I would let her! Now I really feel I’m home!
Happy For A Reason Reasons:
1.       Pleasant and safe flights.
2.       I’m home safe and sound.
3.       Ahh, the lovely smell of fir trees!
4.       Great phone call with La’Quon!
5.       My crazy dog Sheba, who doesn’t seem to want me out of her sight right now!

September 18

September 18, 2011 ~
Resolve to see the world on the sunny side, and you have almost
won the battle of life at the outset. ~Sir Roger L’Estrange
Today was the last day we had to spend with La’Quon before heading back home and we were hoping to make the most of it! It has been great being together!
Happy For A Reason Reasons:
1.       My head ache finally disappeared making the last few hours with La’Quon more enjoyable.
2.       Had an enjoyable lunch with La’Quon.
3.       Ron and I could go shopping for the clothes and shoes that La’Quon needed.
4.       Being able to just spend the last couple of hours at the school, enjoying being together before we had to leave.
5.       A great week end with La’Quon. Only two more months before we will be together again!

September 17

September 17, 2011 ~
Today is Sabbath and we had two counseling sessions, first one not so bad, but the second one, where we finished up, was very difficult. It was something we all needed to go through, and once it was done, it had taken a totally different direction, a very good direction. We had a very pleasant time with La’Quon! Ate supper together and then enjoyed some outside time in the lovely Tennessee sunshine! Finished the evening off playing games with La’Quon in the dorm!
Happy For A Reason Reasons:
1.       Two very good counselors!
2.       Time spent with old friends and new!
3.       La’Quon choosing to make good choices!
4.       A pleasant afternoon and evening with La’Quon!
5.       A lovely Tennessee sunset to end the Sabbath day!

September 16

September 16, 2011~
When I was in town, I found the farmer’s market where I had bought fresh okra last year! Sure enough they had some! This year I bought double the amount that I’d bought last year. It will be a treat to have fresh okra to bread and bake, with a little left over to share! It will be a great addition to one of our meals. We also stopped at an Amish Farm to buy some freshly grow peanuts! Sadly, they had run out three weeks ago. I guess we’ll have to try again next year! So we bought sorgum instead.
Yeah!!! I got a call from La’Quon’s teacher, telling me that he had accomplished what he needed to do, so we can go earlier to visit him! Way to go La’Quon!
Happy For A Reason Reasons:
1.       La’Quon made a great decision!
2.       I got a call from La’Quon’s teacher! The one I was waiting for!
3.       Special time spent with my dear friend Dottie!
4.       I had a fun time making caramel popcorn. Now the house smells so good!
5.       Two bunches of fresh okra! Locally grown and picked yesterday. Nothing like what we buy back home!

September 15

September 15, 2011 ~
What a great night sleep I had after arriving at Harold and Dottie’s! Morning came so early!  After a lovely breakfast and time spent catching up with our dear friends, we are off to see La’Quon!
Happy For A Reason Reasons:
1.       Good night of sleep, even if morning did come to quickly (happens every time we head East!)
2.       Wonderful friends, Harold and Dottie!
3.       La’Quon!
4.       I get to see my boy!
5.       Nice seeing the different families we have grown to know as friends!

September 14

September 14, 2011 ~
Riches take wings, comforts vanish, hope withers away, but love stays with us. God is love.  ~ Lew Wallace
Up, Up and Away!!! I have to admit I love to fly. I love to travel. I don’t always love the reasons I have to travel, but traveling different places and seeing new things, and meeting new people is always a pleasure for me.  We have a Cube to drive this time and we are one step closer to seeing La’Quon!
Happy For A Reason Reason:
1.       Safe trip to Tennessee!
2.       Traveled 1,800 miles, or so, in one day! Planes are a wonderful way to travel.
3.       I was able to sleep on the plane! When I say that I slept on the plane, I mean I really slept! I didn’t even know when they brought drinks and cookies around. This really should not have surprised me because I had not had any sleep for about 22 hours before getting on the plane and I don’t think I have ever slept so hard on the plane before, but I also don’t think I have ever started a trip when I had not slept for over 22 hours. Here is hoping I never have to do it again either!
4.       Ron was kind enough to ask the airline attendants for some water and a cookie. I only learned about the cookie when I reached into the food bag to pull out some of the food so Ron could munch on something as we were driving along. My hand found a cookie that I knew we hadn’t packed.  ~Smile~
5.       Ron drove the last leg of our journey and not me!   

September 13

September 13, 2011 ~
Happiness is inward and not outward; and so it does not depend on what we have, but on what we are. ~Henry Van Dyke
This was a bit more sane night and, oh, how the sleep just wanted to creep in on me! I only have one more night to go and I will be on my way to see La’Quon!
Happy For A Reason Reasons:
1.       Only one more day left before leaving to visit La’Quon!
2.       I picked Ron up at the airport today, only to fly out again tomorrow! He has only been home 3 nights in the last three weeks. I think he’ll be happy  when all the traveling is done.
3.       Washing, ironing, and house clean! I do not like coming home from a trip to laundry, ironing or a dirty house!
4.        Books to read on my trip! Helps fill 6 hours of flying, not to mention the lay over time.
5.       Dinner out with Ron before he dropped me off at work, only to return in 9 hours to take go back to the airport for our flight to Tennessee!

September 12

September 12, 2011 ~
"We cannot direct the wind but we can adjust the sails." ~Unknown
Now, that was one crazy night! Every time I left my desk, something crazy would happen at the window! Thankfully, our policy is that we never leave the window unmanned. After all the excitement, drama, and just plan sick people were dealt with, I realized I had been given a true blessing! The night went by quickly and I didn’t have to struggle to stay away!
Happy For A Reason Reasons:
1.       The crazy night at work made time fly by!
2.       Sleep, yes, once again sleep!
3.       A God who thought ahead and gave us the “night” we’d get the rest that our bodies so badly need! (My night just happens to be everyone else’s day, for the time being.)
4.       As I think about needing the “night” to sleep, I get to think about how God uses the “night” time in my life (times that seem so dark, full of stress, sadness, pain) to help me grow and depend on Him. Yes, these times are blessings in disguise.
5.       A God who thinks of everything, even before we know our need!

September 11

September 11, 2011~
"From beginning to end, God is the giver and we are the receivers: and it is not to those who do great things but to those who receive abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness that the richest promises are made." ~ Hannan Whitall Smith 
Ron picked me up from work this morning, only to have me take him to the airport so he could fly to Alaska. If I could have gone along with him, I’d have done it! Alaska is somewhere I have always dreamed of going. Maybe someday, but I must stay home and work this time.
Happy For A Reason Reasons: 
1.      Sleep! Very nice after a long 12 hour shift and taking Ron to the airport to fly to Alaska. Ron made it safely to Alaska.
2.       Ron made it safely to Alaska.
3.       Peaches, one of my favorite fruits!
4.       Seven more jars of peaches canned!
5.       Delicious peach cobbler!

September 10

September 10, 2011 ~

London Freeman tells how the deacons in a church solved the problem of their ineffective preacher.  As I read the story, I realized it was great advice for everyone. If put to use it will help not only at church, but at home, at work, and yes, in our leisure time.
Here is the story:
The Parrot’s Advice
 The deacons of the church met to discuss their pastor. There were few, if any conversions, most every pew was empty, and the offering plate often had nothing in it. The complaints or reasons given were, the preacher preaches too long, the doctrine was wrong, and he didn’t visit the members as he should.
In one corner of the room where they were meeting, hung a cage with a green parrot. This parrot had spent most of its life on a ship out at sea. He had learned the rough language from the captain and sailors on the ship. It cocked its head as it listened to the deacons while they debated how to solve the problem.
One particular deacon got up and gave a long speech and concluded by saying, “Our minister may be a good man, but I see no remedy except…”
Suddenly the parrot blurted out, “Work, you lazy people, work!”
It caught them by surprise! They were speechless for a moment and then decided that the bird just might be right, and they decided to give it a try. They got the members together and organized them to work, and in time, all they members were happy with their church and their pastor was not so bad at all!  Adapted from “Signs of the Times”
Sometimes we, myself included, focus on what others don’t do, rather than what we/I can do. When, if we do what we can and need to do, the remedy is found. We no longer have time to complain, as well as others see what we are doing and just might get in the boat with us and together we can make a positive difference and be happy about what we are accomplishing.

 Happy For A Reason Reasons:
1.       Ron came to pick me up from work this morning! What a treat, not to have to drive home after a night of work!
2.       A great lunch made by Ron! Deliciously prepared brussel sprouts, yellow summer squash, fresh corn on the cob, and fresh tomatoes!
3.       A call from Nathan!
4.       A little time to spend with Ron, especially since he has been gone all week and will be leaving again tomorrow morning. great spending a little time with Ron… since he has been gone and will be leaving again in the morning.
5.        God helped me find my photo flash drive! It had three months or more of photos on it and had fallen out of my pocked….hummm, maybe I just might need to back them up!