April 10, 2011 ~
Upon awakening, today, I walked out into the living room and glanced out the window. As I took in the scene, I noticed the grey clouds that filled the sky, yet from somewhere, there was coming some sunlight. I looked down at the fast growing green grass and noticed the little yellow flowers, blooming brightly with their faces turned heavenward. Yes, they were none other than the common dandelion! My mind went back over the years that my children would come running with little hands out stretched with a bouquet of yellow flowers for mommy and say, “I picked them for you!” Then there was the time when my oldest son Nathan was on two. He was riding on my lap as I used the riding lawn mower to mow the yard of Dandelions. I do believe they were the only thing growing at the time. As I was mowing Nathan reached up to my face and turned his face to my ear and said, “Don’t you like the Dandelions, Mommy?” I said, “Yes, they are pretty.” And just as quick he answered, “Well, your mowing them tells me you don’t.” At his age he had no idea that if we didn’t take care of them before they go to seed they would take over the lawn, flower beds, and garden. As I remember back, I think about the lessons I can learn from the little seemingly insignificant ride on the tractor as I mowed down the Dandelions. Today, I pause and think, what are my action telling others? Are my words sending one message, but my actions another? I can say most anything, but do I follow it up with actions? Yes, it is not what I say but the actions that I follow up with that really speak what is in my heart. It really isn’t difficult to say nice words. Nice words, are pleasant to hear, but I do believe actions speak louder than words. It is the actions that follow the kind words that make them real! In fact, when I think about it, I’d rather have silence and be shown by another’s actions how they feel than for someone to say “nice” words and not follow them up with actions that support what they have said. Yes, actions speak louder than words!
Dear Lord, please help me to have kind and encouraging words for others, but even more than that, help me to have actions that follow my words. Yes, help me spread love and encouragement to others by both my words and actions, the same way those little “love” boquets of dandelions encouraged me in days gone by.
Happy For A Reason reason’s:
1. The ability to rest during day light hours on the days like today when I have worked all night.
2. The different shades of grey in the sky. It really makes the green grass and yellow dandelions stand out today!
3. The color yellow! My dad’s favorite color.
4. The little seemingly insignificant Dandelion!
5. Little life lessons I can learn from daily experiences.
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