“Footsteps of an Approaching God”
Alone with my thoughts, I slowly coast back and forth on my porch swing, feasting my eyes upon the beauty that slowly evolves before me in the early spring dawn. The morning sun stretches its golden beams as it climbs over Chestnut-Starr Mountain , casting its brightness over the valley below. In silence, a mist hovers over the Hiwassee , leaving little doubt as to the river’s rapid journey below as it twists and turns its way among rocks and boulders, before slipping past the grazing cattle in the nearby pastures.
Amid the crowing of a neighbor’s rooster, I hear a deep rumble advancing toward our valley, stealing its peace and serenity. The piercing screams of the north-bound CSX splits the morning air, warning everyone of its rapid approach. I am reminded of another train, a train of sorrow rapidly advancing with great speed throughout the earth preceding the final events of this world. Even now, we can hear the cries of humanity being held captive as they are hopelessly being propelled forward into eternal destruction. Most of the cries for help are coming from the broken victims of both predator and nature gone wild. The devastation caused by famine, storm or flood is obvious to everyone on planet earth.
However, the greatest ruin to humanity; powered by the greed of self-love and primarily cloaked as acceptable behavior by society under the guise of personal rights, is manifested in more subtle ways in the form of soul-destroying entertainment; the murder of the unborn; unnatural affection for one another; the vice of addiction; the burden of materialism; human trafficking and loss of respect for life in general. This absence of morality has etched the face of humanity with pain and shame.
Penney Estes Wheeler speaks of the eminent rescue of humanity when she writes, “I hear the footsteps of an approaching God coming to take His children home.” Yes, the Sovereign God whose power far exceeds the evil surrounding us will cry out with the voice of thunder as He soon returns to save His children from this pit of sin and sorrow! There is hope and healing should we choose to accept His gift of unconditional love and eternal tranquility.
Dottie Barnett
“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. “ John 3:16
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