April 14, 2011 ~
As I was having my worship time this morning, I could hear the birds singing outside. The urge to fling the window open wide was so strong I could not resist! It was as if the birds were right there in the room with me as I felt the cool breeze, breathed in the fresh air, and listened as the Robin by my window happily called to his friends, who echoed his call. Other birds were joining the chorus with their background harmonies. I am so thankful I am able to enjoy living in the country where it is quiet and the sounds of nature are easily heard. I am reminded of a story I heard years ago about an old Indian, from the country, who was in the city for some reason. He was accompanied by his friend who lived in the city. Walking down the busy streets, the Indian looked, wide eyed, at all he saw,streets lined with buildings of different sizes and shapes, reaching to the sky. The traffic noise from the buses, taxis honking horns, trucks and cars, along with people talking and yelling as they call for a taxi, was over whelming. Suddenly the Indian stopped. His companion asked him if something was wrong? The Indian said, “Listen, do you hear it?” His companion asked, “Hear what?” The Indian said, “The bird?” His companion said, “A bird? How could I hear a bird with all this noise?” The Indian looking around pointed up several floors high on a nearby building was a robin, perched on a window seal, singing its sweet melody.
How could the Indian hear the bird? It was the ability to hear what he was tuned into, or trained to hear. What am I tuned to hear? What about my thoughts? Sometimes so much is thrown at me that my mind is racing like a city traffic jam. Do I hear just the traffic, or am I still connected to my God so that I hear His still small voice, like the Indian heard the bird? Is all the activity and traffic making the sound of His voice inaudible?
Lord, please keep me tuned to the sounds of Your creation and Your still small voice no matter how busy or how much traffic there is in my life.
Happy For A Reason reason’s:
1. Time to spend with my God!
2. A window that opens!
3. Fresh air and sunshine!
4. The cool morning breeze.
5. Yummy gluten free coffee cake my sister baked for me!
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