Saturday, December 17, 2011

December 11

December 11, 2011 ~

This morning I slept for a few hours and then I was up and off to join the Christmas rush with Ron. We found a parking spot right near the entrance to the store.  We were in and out in no time, since we had a list and knew exactly what we wanted and where it was. Once out in the car, we realized that maybe parking near the entrance was not such a good thing because we were stuck there blocked in by the long line of cars backed up because of the stop light nearby.  To our amazement and surprise, a car stopped so we could back out and be on our way. Because of their being kind, they actually didn’t make it through the light. It was encouraging to see someone willing to do a random act of kindness.
Happy For A Reason Reasons:
      1.       There are people who show little acts of kindness!
2.       Ron and I started our holiday baking tonight! We haven’t done it together for years, and it was so much fun!
3.       Recipes! I don’t think our cookies would be very tasty if someone had not of gone to the trouble to figure out the amounts for the basic cookie recipes, then we can do our little changes and wawlaw, we have some tasty treats! The picture above is of Ron's old fashion German Nurenberger Cookies. It is our family tradition for Dad to make "His" cookies!
4.       God’s recipe to happiness, the Bible!
5.    I got October 6-8th postings done! It seems the harder I try the behinder I get. But you wait, you'll see, I will get caught up one of these days!  ~smile

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