Wednesday, August 31, 2011

August 31

August 31, 2011 ~

“If  you don't think every day is a good day, just try missing one.” ~Cavett Robert

So who is this Cavett Robert? Well, as it turns out, his story was very interesting to me. He was a man that changed professions multiple times over his life time. One of those times was after the age of 60. What really interested me was his burning desire to help others succeed. 
And now I'm   off to have one of those good days, which begins with my Happy For A Reason   reasons!

Happy For A Reason reasons:
1.       Tears, just think about it. Having dry eyes would be so uncomfortable!
2.      While on that thought, how about saliva? Yes! Without saliva swallowing food, not to mention the digestion of food would be a bit more difficult.
3.      Now, that got me thinking about honey.  I better not say why, because someone might read this and never want to eat honey again.  But   then again, to aleviate confusion, honey is just bee saliva. Pretty  tasty I might add! I think my favorite is Orange Bloosom honey, on a nice   warm slice of homemade bread! 
4.      Bees! How else would the pollination of our fruit trees, flowers, and vegetables happen. I don’t think it would be a job I’d want. …Thank you Father, for think about this!
5.      Top of the list my Father in Heaven, who thinks about every little detail and doesn’t miss a one!  If He did miss one, I’d have a problem, just the same as I would if I missed one day!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

August 30

August 30, 2011 ~

“Some days there won't be a song in your heart. Sing anyway.” ~Emory Austin

There are times I just don’t feel like singing. Yet, I know that is what I need to do. Once I get started, there is no stopping me. It is always amazing to me how this little exercise can make the difference between a day filled with a sad heart or one filled with a happy heart!

“Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine.” ~Anthony J. D'Angelo, The College Blue Book

Happy For A Reason reasons:
1.       A cool refreshing sprinkle this morning.
2.      The moisture, though just a small amount was enough to clear the air.
3.      Wet the dusty lane down so the passing cars don’t through dust clouds my way.
4.      I don’t have to water the outside gardens today!
5.      It is the early rains that help the plants to grow and be ready for harvest before the freezing frost arrives.

August 29

August 29, 2011 ~

“Life is a shipwreck but we must not forget to sing in the lifeboats.” ~Voltaire

Shipwrecks in my lives can be from my own making, or from no fault of my own. No matter what the cause, I can choose to learn from the shipwreck or become bitter. Becoming bitter, is such an unpleasant result, which leads to more unhappiness and disaster. Why not choose to be happy that the lifeboat is still afloat and what I choose to do from this point on is the beginning for an new ending of the story! And yes there is much to sing about while I am in the lifeboat!

Happy For A Reason reasons:

1.       Lifeboats!  Jesus, Your mine!

2.      Delicious, sweet, juicy and cold red grapes for the 40 minute ride home this morning! Helps keep me awake after a very long night at work.

3.      Making it home safely this morning.

4.      I could talk with two of my girls, today. Hopefully, it encouraged them.

5.      The privilege of prayer. Being able to talk with God in prayer about any and all things that concern me and my children!

August 28

August 28, 2011 ~
You turn the key
Then close the door behind you
Drop your bags on the floor
You reach for the light
But there's darkness deep inside
And you can't take it anymore
'Cause sometimes living takes the life out of you
And sometimes living is all you can do

Life is hard, the world is cold
We're barely young and then we're old
But every falling tear is always understood
Yes, life is hard, but God is good

You start to cry
'Cause you've been strong for so long
And that's not how you feel
You try to pray
But there's nothing left to say
So you just quietly kneel
In the silence of all that you face
God will give you His mercy and grace

Jesus never said
It was an easy road to travel
He only said that you would never be alone
So when your last thread of hope
Begins to come unraveled
Don't give up, He walks beside you
On this journey home and He knows...
Life is hard, the world is cold
We're barely young and then we're old
But every falling tear is always understood
Yes, life is hard, but God is good
~ By Pam Thum

Today, as I was trying so very hard to get  much accomplished, only to accomplish very little, (that was on my list anyway) I was listening to music. I put a CD on that I have not listen to for a long time, by Annette Campbell. As the songs we playing, and I was ironing, the words Living is Hard…but, God is Good, seemed to jump out and grab me. I found myself identifying with the words of the song and my spirit was moved deep within me. Yes, for me life and the many things it seems to be throwing my way and in the way of those I love, is hard, so very hard...but GOD IS GOOD! Oh, He is very good. He keeps me singing!
Life is Hard....but God is Good! Click here to watch a video of Life is Hard...but God is Good!

Happy For A Reason Reasons:
1.       Though life is hard at times, God is good!
2.      God understands and is touch by each tear that falls!
3.      I have a God that walks beside me every step of my journey.
4.      Songs that touch something down deep inside, leaving me encouraged!
5.      The few chores I did get done!

August 27

August 27, 2011 ~
It is my daughter Alissa’s 18th birthday today! What a wonderful reason to be happy!
For Alissa…
May you always remember that you are irreplaceable… “…God not only loves you very much but also has put His hand on you for something special.” 1 Thesssalonians 1:4
You were chosen and still are! “Even before He made the world, God chose us to be His very own through what Christ would do…” Ephesians 1:4
You are treasured, and always well be! “…God, your God, chose you…as a cherished, personal treasure.” Deuteronomy 7:6
Scriptures are taken from The Living Bible and The Message.
You truly are as beautiful as God sees you—and we celebrate your live with love today!
Happy For A Reason reason’s:
1.       My beautiful daughter Alissa. Always remember that the true beauty shines out from within!
2.      Memories, especially of the special birthday celebrations we had over the years that brought out your lovely smile!
3.      Alissa’s lovely smile!
4.      Alissa’s caring heart! I remember all the times when you were young, you’d go without, so that someone else could have!
5.      An awesome God who brought Alissa into my life!

August 26

August 26, 2011 ~
Last night, a child with breathing problems, a cough, and some sort of infection was brought in by a father. The nurse, who was pregnant put on a mask, to protect against the possibility of catching something that was potentially very contagious and could do harm even to her unborn child. This reminded me of the following quote, “Attitudes are contagious, Are yours worth catching?” by Dennis and Wendy Mannering. I ask myself, if my attitudes are contagious, do others need to put on a mask, or is it something that would be good for them to catch? I think I’ll keep that in mind for today, even if it is time to work through things that are not so easy, or when things don’t go just as planned!
Happy For A Reason Reasons:                 
            1.       Administration came in to serve the night shift workers at 1:00 AM in the morning!
2.       Great picnic meal provided by the hospital today for all its employees, volunteers, and doctors!
3.       Yummy, corn on the cob! I think a good year of corn on the cob ranks up there at the top on the list of my favorite fresh vegetables!
4.       Memories, of growing, drying, freezing, canning, eating corn with my family, during childhood!
5.       Memories of picnics with friends!

August 25

August 25, 2011 ~
“Come, let us bow down and worship, let us kneel before the Lord our Maker.”~Psalm 95:6
Now, how would I do this if I was paralyzed, to lame, or just too old? The too old part, may be here sooner than I want. Kneeling is the outward and visible change in position that should be just a reflection of the inner and spiritual nature in my heart. No matter whether I can kneel or not, I believe where the heart is, is the most important part. But, until that day when I am no longer able to kneel, I will gladly kneel before the Lord my Maker.
Lord, I bow before You, in submission to Your will. When I rise, may I serve you with my whole heart!
Happy For A Reason Reasons:
1.       I am not to lame, or paralyzed, to kneel before my Maker and my King!
2.       Alissa and I didn’t have to fly off to another state and back again all in one day, as we had planned.
3.       Sunshine!
4.       Lovely weather!
5.       My friend Gerri, who is a great encouragement to me!

August 24

August 24, 2011 ~
“Beloved, now we are children of God; and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be, but we know that when He is revealed, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is.” ~1 John 3:2

Today has been a beautiful day, in spite of the clouds, humidity, thunderheads that formed, and the many situations that tried to cast shadows throughout the day. One blessing came straight from the clouds. They made the day a bit cooler than it would have been if there had been no clouds. That is also the way I feel when things are difficult, my God helps it not be so hot! I can find a blessing in most anything, I just have to look until I find it!

It is kind of like what I read for my worship this morning. The Bible talks about the early or former rain of the Spirit, which is the baptism of the Holy Spirit. As I experience this, the Holy Spirit helps me grow into a mature Christian so that I will benefit from the latter rain which ripens the harvest. This represents the spiritual grace that prepares me for the coming of my Jesus! In other words, I need the early rain to help me through the trials in my life in order for the final latter rain to be able to do its work in my life. “Unless the former rain has fallen, there will be no life; the green blade will not spring up. Unless the early showers have done their work, the latter rain can bring no seed to perfection.” (The Faith I Live By, p. 333)
Happy For A Reason Reasons:
1.       I was blessed with school supplies for Alissa and La’Quon! Thank you to all who donated and made this all possible!
2.       A beautiful day, in spite of so many reasons I could choose to let shadow me this day.
3.       The clouds made the day cooler!
4.       I can find a blessing in most anything, I just have to look until I find it!
5.       Seeing my daughter Alissa, take a difficult situation and shine through it all! Thank you Jesus!

August 23

August 23, 2011~
“I believe… Just because two people argue, it doesn’t mean they don’t love each other. And just because they don’t argue, it doesn’t mean they do love each other. I believe…That we don’t have to change friends if we understand that friends change. I believe…That no matter how good a friend is, they’re going to hurt you, every once in a while and you  must forgive them for that. I believe…that true friendship continues to grow, even over the longest distance. Same goes for true love. I believe…that you can do something in an instant that will give you heartache for live.  I believe…that it’s taking me a long time to become the person I want to be. I believe…that you should always leave loved ones with loving words. It may be the last time you see them. I believe…that you can keep going long after you think you can’t. I believe…that we are responsible for what we do, no matter how we feel. I believe…that either you control your attitude or it controls you. I believe…that heroes are the people who do what has to be done when it needs to be done, regardless of the consequences.  I believe…that my best friend and I can do anything or nothing and have the best time. I believe…that sometimes the people you expect to kick you when you’re down will be the ones to help you get back up. I believe…that sometimes when I’m angry I have the right to be angry, but that doesn’t give me the right to be cruel. I believe…that maturity has more to do with what types of experiences you’ve had and what you’ve learned from them and less to do with how many birthdays you’ve celebrated. I believe…that it isn’t always enough, to be forgiven by others. Sometimes, you have to learn to forgive yourself. I believe…that no matter how bad your heart is broken, the world doesn’t stop for your grief. I believe…that our background and circumstances may have influenced who we are, but, we are responsible for who we become. I believe…that you shouldn’t be so eager to find out a secret. It could change your life forever. I believe…two people can look at the exact same thing and see something totally different. I believe…that your life can be changed in a matter of hours by people who don’t even know you. I believe…that even when you think you have no more to give, when a friend cries out to you, you will find the strength to help.” ~Unknown

I read this recently and was reminded of something a coworker said to me about 30 years ago. When she found out that Ron and I were engaged, she asked, “Do you know how he fights?” Puzzled, I asked her to explain. She said, “You need to know how he argues before you get married.” I told her that Ron and I had never had a argument, upon which she gasped and said, “Well, you better pretend one, so you will know how he fights and you will know if you are compatible with each other.” We never did have a “fight” before we got married, real or pretend. Well, almost thirty years later, I have to admit, we have had our disagreements but that is not where we keep our focus.  

Happy For A Reason Reasons:
1.       The ability to have disagreement and still love and be loved!
2.       That circumstances and situations may have influenced who I am, but I have the ability and responsibility for who I become.
3.       That even though the world doesn’t stop when my heart is broken…God is always there when it hurts!
4.       That I can control my attitude, so it doesn’t control me.
5.       That even though it is taking me a long time to become the person God wants me to be, God does not give up on me!

August 22

August  22, 2011~
Happy Birthday, dear Clarissa! Oh, how I remember those many smiles you have blessed me with over the years that have passed! Yes, God put you here to make the world a better place and that you have done many times. You are a special gift from an incredible God—unique, blessed and irreplaceable! You still are my daughter of promise. May you always remember that each time you see a flower bloom.
A promise for you…. “I will bless you…and you will be a blessing to many others.” ~Genesis 12:2 TLB
Happy For A Reason Reasons:
1.       It is my daughter Clarissa’s birthday!
2.       Memories of the many smiles Clarissa had on her special day!
3.       Oh, and yes, the sparkle in her eyes, especially when she could make someone smile.
4.       Flowers! Clarissa was my “flower” child. She’d cultivate them in the garden, pick them to share with a friend, press them, take pictures of them, make them out of paper or crochet them out of yarn, and wear them in her hair.
5.       I know God is watching over my daughter of Promise!

August 21

August 21,, 2011 ~
“The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of everything; They just make the most of everything they have!”
How true that is! I know people who have the best of everything, in fact they have more than everything they want, yet they are very unhappy people. Then I know  poor people who are also unhappy and think they should have more. Then there are those who don’t have, but just make the most of what they have and yet they are some of the happiest people around. I think they are the ones who really understand the verse… “…be content with such things as you have: for He hath said, ‘I will never leave you, nor forsake you.’”
Happy For A Reason Reasons:
1.       Apricots!
2.       Apricots are all canned and the jam is frozen!
3.       I know it is a day early but I had a great time making Clarissa a birthday apple pie!
4.       Some of my ironing and wash is done! (I have an enormous pile of each, guess that means I have been too busy!)
5.       The enormous pile of laundry and ironing is smaller than when I started this morning!

August 20

August 20, 2011 ~
Fire, leaves such a scar behind! I had not been back to Cloud Cap since the big fire four years ago. I never imagined how much damage was done to the forest. Acre, upon acre of charred snags and fallen trees! Where I used to drive through the woods for miles on a road with switchback after switchback, we see views I never knew were there. As I neared the historic Cloud Cap Inn, I wondered what I might find.  I remembered hearing or reading in the paper that they were fighting to save the inn. As I rounded the last corner before the Inn, I looked up and saw that truly they had saved the Inn! The fire came right up to it and there it stopped.  We climbed up the ridge behind the inn and looked out over the valley and could see that the only part of the forest that was saved on the east side of the Elliott Glacier area was Cloud Cap Inn and Tilly Jane Camp Ground.
Sin is like fire. It damages everything it touches, but, just like those fire fighters that so feverishly tried to save the Lodge and camp ground, God comes and puts the fire out! Sometimes there is damage that has to be repaired but He saves His children! 
Happy For A Reason Reasons:
1.       A wonderful hike on Mt. Hood.
2.       Cloud Cap and Tilly Jane were saved! These are two of our favorite camping/hiking places on the mountain.
3.       The ablilty to hike.
4.       The spectacular beauty that I have enjoyed today, in spite of the damage caused by the fire. Sometimes a picture is worth more than a thousand words!
5.       A God who repairs the damage sin causes in our lives, as well as the damage done in nature by a fire that was started by a strike of lightning.

August 19

August 19, 2011 ~
What a day!  We checked out a trailer for the girls. We were seeing if it was something that they could move into. Ron and I checked it out early in the morning and headed home. While we were driving along, we were discussing whether or not we thought it was an option. It would need some elbow grease to get it fixed up and we were trying to figure out if it was going to be a good option. Well, about three miles down the road I looked down only to see that I was covered with fleas!  Ron said, “I have them, too!” I had never seen so many fleas! We stopped alongside the road, jumped out and quickly started hitting the fleas off, shaking out our sweaters and floor covers. I was flinging my hair this way and that, because some fleas had gotten all the way up to my neck. Ugh, that was just plain creepy! We then got back into the car and went a few more miles when we had to “de-flea” again, only to have to stop again another few miles down the road. They were getting fewer but we had two more stops before getting home. People driving by probably had a few laughs at us and wondered if we were a bit crazy. I bet they would have been doing the same thing if they were in our shoes! Once home, we jumped in the tub and got rid of our flea infested clothing, which went straight into the washer.  We figured just in case some of the fleas dropped off in the yard, porch or bathroom, we better go to the vet and get some flea treatments and some spray for the car. Later we found more fleas in the car so we did spray Ron’s car! Oh, yes, we decided that the trailer was not the place for the girls!
What a day this ended up being! I took the cat to the vet, since she needed her shots, and I got the flea treatments for her, as well as the dog, so that we’d be prepared if any of the fleas decided to take up residence around our place! I do think I have more than enough reasons to be Happy today!  
Happy For A Reason Reasons:
1.       We now know without a doubt that we need not consider the trailer as a place for the girls to move!
2.       Had a great reason not to put off taking the cat to the vet!
3.       Our veterinary.
4.       The vet gave us a cat carrier to carry the cat back to the car, since the cat was not very happy and less than cooperative when we were leaving!
5.       So happy that when the bottom of the box fell out, along with the cat, she didn’t get away!

August 18

August 18, 2011 ~

A promise for today!

 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.” Jeremiah 29:11, NKJV

Yes, every time I am disappointed or feeling blue, there is most assuredly hope!

I was off to pick up Alissa, today, for an interview with the principal and counselor of the school she was hoping to be accepted into. Her hopes were realized and she wanted to jump and scream for joy. Fortunately for all of us who were there, she kept from doing it until we were out of sight and hearing distance!  ~Smile~
Happy For A Reason Reasons:
1.       Alissa was accepted into the school she was hoping to attend! School starts next week!
2.       A Christian School for Alissa to attend her senior year!
3.       Alissa’s transcript arrived in time so the counselor could help her figure out her schedule.
4.       Because Alissa had done so well on her pre college exams, she was able to get into AP Enlglish which will give her college credit.
5.       God answered our prayers! 

August 17

August 17, 2011 ~
“For thus says the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel: ‘In returning and rest you shall be saved; In quietness and confidence shall be your strength.’” ~Isaiah 30:15, NKJV
At times there just seems to be no rest for the weary and there is just more pain to go around than seems possible. Life is full of turbulent storms, causing disappointments, negative feelings and doubt. But when I look to the Bible here is what I find….
I can have quiet rest, even when life is hectic!
“Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” ~Matthew 11:28-29
For every painful experience, there is the healing touch of God! It doesn’t matter if it is physical pain or emotional pain, He is the Lord who heals!
“Bless the Lord, O my soul; and forget not all His benefits: Who forgives all your iniquities, who heals all your diseases,” ~Psalm 103:2, 3
Happy For A Reason Reasons:
1.       Strength from above to keep looking up and find many reasons to have a smile on my face even when there are other things that would normally cloud the whole day.
2.       Ron’s help to get started with canning the apricots!
3.       I was able to hear Alissa’s choir practice. They are sounding very nice.
4.       I heard some encouraging words, that give me hope that Alissa may be accepted into the school that she was hoping to go to. Now for all the other pieces to fall into place. Should know tomorrow!
5.       I have the next four days off! Maybe I can get caught up on a thing or two!

August 16

August 16, 2011~
“Become a possibilitarian. No matter how dark things seem to be or actually are, raise your sights and see possibilities - always see them, for they're always there.”~Norman Vincent Peale
Happy For A Reason Reasons:
1.       More apricots!
2.      I got the apricots dried and bagged.
3.      Ron!
4.      Jennifer! Thanks for your encouragement and insights!
5.      Judy!

August 15

August 15, 2011 ~
Today as I think about Alissa finishing a couple of her classes, I think about how important diligence is!
“Learning is not attained by chance, it must be sought for with ardor and diligence.” ~Abigail Adams
“Patience and Diligence, like faith, remove mountains.” ~William Penn
“I never could have done what I have done without the habits of punctuality, order, and diligence, without the determination to concentrate myself on one subject at a time.” ~Charles Dickens
“Dignity does not float down from heaven it cannot be purchased nor manufactured. It is a reward reserved for those who labor with diligence. “ ~Bill Hybels
“Diligence is the mother of good fortune, and idleness, its opposite, never brought a man to the goal of any of his best wishes.” ~Miguel de Cervantes

Yes, while I slept Alissa was busy! Chores done and final assignment for her classes, done! Paper written! So now we can go play. Well, after my Physical Therapy appointment!
Happy For A Reason reasons:
1.       Two more classes down for Alissa!
2.       Sam and Gerri safely back from their vacation.
3.       Physical Therapy! Oh, I feel so much better! I never realized my neck was what may be causing my back and shoulder pain.
4.       My physical therapist, Anne!  She is tops!
5.       Julie, the receptionist at PT. Her smile is always so encouraging!

August 14

August 14, 2011 ~
“A rolling stone can gather no moss.” ~Pubillius Syrus
Today the morning started out with blue skies. Lately it has been cloudy in the morning then burning off in the afternoon or evening. It has been a nice way to keep it cool and yet not wet!  Reminds me of the story of the Israelites, when they had left Egypt. God gave them clouds in the day to protect them from the hot desert sun and it was a light for them in the night.
I start back to work tonight, so I snuck a couple of hours for sleep this afternoon. Even with that I was able to get all of my July blogs posted! No pictures yet, but I’m getting there! Now for getting August up to date!
Happy For A Reason reasons:
1.       Good health so I could go for a walk.
2.       The gift of sight, so I can see….the birds that I hear singing as I walk along the trail.
3.       The lawn is all mowed and it looks so nice!
4.       Sense of smell, so I can….
5.       Smell of fresh mown grass!

What a gorgeous day this has been!

August 13

 August 13, 2011~
“And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.” ~ Romans 8:28, NKJV
Today was an enjoyable Sabbath! I visited the Stone Tower Church, where Jed Lee spoke on Romans 8:28.  He asked if anyone had ever experienced a time when God seemed to be silent. He then showed examples in the Bible where God seemed to be silent. Some examples were, John the Baptist, Lazarus, and even Jesus the night in the garden before His trial. Jesus was in anguish that night. His soul was exceedingly sorrowful unto death, three times He asked God to take the cup He had to bare away, then He accepted the answer and resigned to the will of God. Yes, even Jesus experienced the silence of God.
Another promise He shared was Romans 8:31.
“What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?” ~Romans 8:31, NKJV
Even Jesus, God’s own Son, experienced the silence of God. Through the bad, God brought good, as He promised. Jesus died on the cross for our sins, and now I can have the gift of eternal life.
In the silent times of my life, I need not worry, because I know God’s promises are sure and, just as He has done so many times before, He’ll bring good even out of the silent times of my life. 
Happy For A Reason Reasons:
1.       Visit to Stone Tower church today.
2.       Most friendly church I have attended in a long time. We were greeted and made to feel welcome by nearly everyone we passed.
3.       Lunch with new friends.
4.       Enjoyed a wonderful Russian meal! The beet salad was delicious!
5.       A special treat…a bowl of vegan vanilla ice cream with fresh strawberries.