August 11, 2011 ~

This is the verse that Ron started worship with this morning. I suppose I could say, but wait, how can I do that? Look what is going on! No, this isn’t fair! But, I read it again and see there is no room for excuses. So really, what is the message here? I am to rejoice, be joyful, be happy all the time, pray with out stopping, be grateful, show gratitude and thanks. The reason is because this is the will of God for me. Really?
OK, in short here are my marching orders, coming straight from God. Be happy. Pray continually. Give thanks. Can I continue to do this? Yes, I think I can with His help and here is why.
First, I have a couple of examples, Daniel (Daniel 6:10), gives thanks when he knew of the decree designed to take away his life. Paul, who wrote this verse, (Acts 27:20, 35,) has left me a striking example of being thankful under the most adverse circumstances. He was in the middle of a major storm, yet kept his connection with God and gave thanks before everyone on the ship! He was at peace with himself and God! So what was the key for Daniel and for Paul?
Looking again, I see, it says “be” happy, and then “give” thanks. It doesn’t say I have to be thankful. It is talking about my emotions and actions. Could it be that God is not asking me to be thankful for the storms in my life—only that I should give thanks “in” them because of what He is going to do? Yes, I can thank Him that He is my sovereign God, He is in control, He sees the whole picture, He gives me grace and peace of mind, He knows what I need and what will help me become a better person. He knows what is for my good and what will bring glory to His name.
As I look back over the time I have been doing this blog, I realize this verse is a stronghold for me! You see, I can choose to let despair take control, or take a hold of this verse and push those feelings of despair away, choosing to give thanks for everything that God allows into my path. As I choose to give thanks and be happy, my feelings come along and I am now more able to rejoice in the middle of the storm! Now, I realize that when I choose to be happy always, pray continually, and give thanks in all circumstances, my God will move heaven and earth for His will to be done in my life and in the lives of those I love! Knowing this I can say with confidence, “Lord, whatever Your will is, I’m coming along and I know You will carry me through! I don’t always understand, but I trust You completely! Lord, You have my heart!”
Happy For A Reason reasons:
1. The added benefits of gratitude! Good health and joy in my heart.
2. Time to look out my front window and my back window and see all the beauty that God has created for my enjoyment and relaxation.
3. I only own a cat and a dog, yet all around me are horses, cows, goats, mules, chickens and ducks!
4. God brought my attention back to 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 this morning.
5. A sovereign God who has everything under control!
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