Sunday, July 31, 2011

July 31

July 31, 2011 ~
Another beautiful day! It is just wonderful to have day after day of sunshine and warm weather, after all the cold weather, rain, and lack of sunshine. When I hear how hot it is in most other parts of the country, I can only feel blessed.
Happy For A Reason reasons:
1.       Perfect weather for a wedding! Not that we are having or going to one, but the neighbors are and I am happy they have a beautiful day with a beautiful view of Mount Hood on the day they are hosting a wedding!
2.       Air conditioner. Yes, I said it is perfect weather, but the house does get a bit warm inside without the air conditioner. Makes for easier sleeping! I believe that background noise helps!
3.       Blinds to keep the sunshine out while I sleep, and sunshine in when I’m awake!
4.       A husband that cooks! (And his meals are delicious.)
5.       Waking up to the smell of a delicious meal waiting for me.

July 30

July 30, 2011 ~
“There is sunshine in my soul today, more glorious and bright than glows in any earthly sky, for Jesus is my light!  ….There is gladness in my soul today, and hope, and praise, and love, for blessings which He gives me now, for joys laid up above.” ~There Is Sunshine In My Soul, by Eliza Edmunds Hewitt

I slept the day away, guess that is the way it goes when you do a 12 hour shift. Not much time for anything else. When I woke up the house was empty so I called Ron to see where he was. He started talking about sitting by the water in the cool shade.  Actually he was only a few miles away. He came home and fixed dinner for me before I was off to work again. I hope we have a night like last night. I prefer the busy nights when I am doing the long hours because it makes the time go by faster and I don’t notice the “tired” bug hitting me as much. Guess it is the old adrennelan rush that keeps me going.
Happy For A Reason reason:
1.       Got a surprise when I got to work! My sister was working!
2.       I got to at least spend a half hour with Ron, before going off to work.
3.       The weather outside is delightful. Even when I have to work, the sunshine seems to give me a lighter step.
4.       The warmth from the sunshine. It reminds me of the warmth from the “Son” shine that fills my heart.
5.       Songs I learned years ago, that come flooding into my mind. This time it is the song “There Is Sunshine In My Soul Today.”

July 29

July 29, 2011 ~


Ron is on his way home! He has been on a trip the last couple of days. It will be nice for him to be home! I was able to get some sleep and almost all the chores done but since I have been called in to work early, I guess Ron gets to pick the blue berries…..or not, after working this morning and driving five hours.

Happy For A Reason reasons:
1.      Ron is almost home!
2.      House clean.
3.      I had time to water and pick produce, in the garden!
4.      I have good health!
5.      My family has good health! Something I am thinking about because last night was such a busy nice, and so many people were very sick. What a blessing it is for me, as well as my family, to have good health! What can I say but thank You Father God!

July 28

July 28, 2011~         
“Then our mouth was filled with laughter, and our tongue with shouts of joy; then they said among the nations, ‘The Lord has done great things for them.’” ~Psalm 126:2

Cell phones can be funny things….just came in the house when my cell phone buzzes in my pocket, it is my neighbor who had seen me outside and walked to the fence, only to see me walk in my door. So I turned around and seeing her, I proceeded to go back outside and start walking to the fence. While we were still on the cell phones, we discussed whether we should stand there talking on the phone or not.  Silly I know, but one of those laughable moments that brighten up the day.

Happy For A Reason reasons:
1.      A garden, which we never thought would materialize with all the damp, cold weather we have had.
2.      More wonderful weather!
3.      Juanita stopped by!
4.      Dinner with Sam, Gerri, Alissa, and Andrew! Good food and good company! Only problem was that I had to leave to soon so I could get to class.
5.      Financial Peace University class. I am leaning many useful ideas to put into action.

July 27

July 27, 2011 ~

What a lovely day! I enjoyed time out in the greenhouse puttering around, well--weeding, pruning, watering, and training my tomatoes. Then I spent some time with Alissa and took her to an  appointment. At home again, we had fun chatting and baking together! She wanted to make “Neatballs” for spaghetti tomorrow. I forgot how good they tasted! (see the recipe on the recipe page) The blueberries needed picked so guess who helped me pick them? Yep, Alissa, and Sheba thought she would help! Grrrr….that was definitely discouraged!

Happy For A Reason reasons:
1.      Ron (who left on a short trip today) made it safely to his destination.
2.      My garden is growing! Picked snow peas today!
3.      I have a green house!
4.      Enjoyable afternoon cooking, chatting, and picking blueberries with Alissa!
5.      I have the biggest crop of blueberries than ever before! They are delicious! The rain has been good for something!

July 26

July 26, 2011 ~

As vivid, bright, and illuminating, as the lightning was in the night yesterday, God spoke to me in a special way today, through my dear “mom” friend. We have rarely spent more than a half hour together and have only known each other for two years. But our journey has so many similarities, we understand when the other laughs at the unlaughable, cries over the struggles that others just don’t get because they have never been there. Neither of us believes in luck, coincidence, or chance. We believe that God has a plan and His timing is perfect, He knows whose lives He needs to touch and when. I wasn’t going to share my dreams and ideas and yet I did. It was then that we realized that God had a very special plan for us  and He was sharing it with both of us, so that we could make a difference. We don’t know the extent. but we know the time is now for the beginning!

Happy For A Reason reasons:
1.      Phones! How else could I talk to someone who is in another state that doesn’t have e-mail? Was it really 1hour and 38 minutes?
2.      My special friend, Maureen! Truly a mom who understands, a kindred spirit!
3.      A friend who God has put on her heart similar dreams, to give back and help others.
4.      Someone who is willing to step out in faith and help me in a new challenging outreach!
5.      A God who sees the big picture and makes my life cross with just the right people at the right time.

July 25

July 25, 2011~

As I laid awake in the dark, I heard a rumbling in the distance, then saw a flash. I realized in the distance there was a thunderstorm. Getting out of bed, I went to the living room and looked out the window. The clouds were quickly moving north and soon hid the crescent moon from my sight. As I watched the lightning and listened for the thunder, I realized the storm was headed our way. Huge drops of rain began to drop as the wind blew, lightning streaked through the sky, immediately followed by the loud rumbling sounds of thunder. My dog Sheba, came in to the room with me and then went to make sure “Daddy” was OK as well. She was fearful, anxious and unsure of what was happening. She wanted reassurance. As I sat watching the storm and comforting Sheba, I was struck with the similarities between myself and Sheba. When it comes to the storms of life, I often become fearful, anxious and unsure of things.

The Lord’s Prayer and again in the Garden of Gethsemane are Jesus examples of praying according to God’s will. Often I find myself caught in stormy situations. At times I find myself becoming fearful, anxious, and feeling as if I want to give up or unable to go on. The storms try my faith, bringing to light my faith, or lack of it.

Sometimes when I am in the middle of one of these storms, God seems so far away, so distant. It is then that I realize again I have been brought back to the place where I need to wait on Him. I need to learn to have that perfect trust and patiently wait on Him to reveal His will, in His perfect timing. And in so doing let the work that He has begun, continue to be completed, even if the storm was brought on by my own foolishness. I may suffer from the consequences of my choices but even in these storms God will work it out for my good and His glory.  Storms, whether from my own doing or not, give me the opportunity to develop the perfect faith that He wants me to have, with an added benefit – to develop a character like His!

“Behold the eye of the Lord is on those who fear Him, on those who hope in His mercy, to deliver their soul from death, and to keep them alive in famine. Our soul waits for the Lord; He is our help and our shield. For our heart shall rejoice in Him, because we have trusted in His holy name. Let Your mercy, O lord, be upon us, Just as we hope in You. ~ Psalm 33:18-22
The more I trust on God’s mercy, and hope in Him the more I will see His power in my life!
Romans 8:28

Happy For A Reason reasons:
1.      The night lightning show and thunder rumbling that reminded me of the lessons I can learn for the storms of life. Yes, my sovereign God knows what He is doing!
2.      The huge drops of rain that came with the thunderstorm! Don’t have to water today, it’s all done for me!
3.      The air is so fresh and clean today! Reminds me that someday soon all, the tears, heartache and pain will all be washed away!
4.      It is not so hot today! Yesterday was nice, but when you are not used to the heat, 70’s are much better!
5.      God is SO good to me! Especially when the “storms of life” are happening!

July 24

July 24, 2011~

“Then the Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to tend and keep it.” ~Gen. 2:15

Whew, this warm sunny day feels down, right hot! When you are use to temperatures  between 50 and 60 degrees and it is actually 70, you feel rather warm! Maybe we are in for a real summer now?  It would be great for the garden!

Happy For A Reason reasons:
1.      Warm sunny weather.
2.      Alissa’s help mowing the lawn!
3.      More weeding done! (I think weeds are what we grow best!)
4.      Tomatoes tied up!
5.      A fun time harvesting produce form the garden. Got our first big picking of peas!

July 23

July 23, 2011 ~

“The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmanment sheweth His handy work. Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge. There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard. Their line is gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world. In them hath He set a tabernacle for the sun, which is as a bridegroom coming out of His chamber, and rejoiceth as a strong man to run a race. His going forth is from the end the ends of it: and there is nothing hid from the heat thereof.” Psalm 19:1-6, KJV

Mt Rainer! What splendor, what grander and all I could think was, O How He Loves Me! Why else would He have created such beauty to enjoy.  I am so happy I am feeling better so I that I could enjoy a lovely hike on Mount Rainer. We had the best seat on the mountain for lunch.
Happy For A Reason reasons:
1.      Mount Rainer, a lovely place to hike!
2.      A lovely place for Ron and I to eat lunch with Mount Rainer front and center.
3.      A place where I could see the beauty of the mountain and hear the sounds of rocks falling and glaciers moving. It was an amazing experience.
4.      I could not have asked for a nicer day for a hike!
5.      A God who created such beauty, beauty that can still be seen even in a world marred by sin. He is such an awesome God!

July 22

July 22, 2011~

“Do not be wise in your own eyes; Fear the LORD and depart from evil It will be health to your flesh And strength to your.” Proverbs 3:7-8, NKJV

“The LORD will guide you continually, and satisfy your soul in drought And strengthen your bones; You shall be like a watered garden And like a spring.” Isaiah 58:11, NKJV
“A merry (cheerful) heart does good like medicine, but a broken spirit dries the bones.” Proverbs 17:22, NKJV

These are just a few of the verses I found today that talk on health.
I feel stupendious! Well, OK, not quite that good as I am not a bundle of energy, but compared to last night I am doing great! Whatever it was that made me sick appears to be gone, gone, yes, GONE! Needless to say, I didn’t make it to work today since you have to be free of symptoms for 24 hours before returning to work. I believe I will have no problem today finding reasons to be happy. So let me get started!
Happy For A Reason reasons:
1.      I feel so much better than I did last night!
2.      I have an extra day to be home with Ron!
3.      No limits on my time today so I can do things without being rushed.
4.      PLO’s (Paid Leave for time Off.)
5.      Sunshine!

July 21

July  21, 2011~

Happiness is often the result of being too busy to be miserable.
- Anonymous

As I think about my busy God, my thoughts start with the creation story in Genesis. God was busy creating a wonderful world for the people He was going to create, and it was good, very good! In the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, I find examples of God being busy. He was busy creating, busy leading, busy teaching, busy caring, busy loving, and busy with a plan to save me and all His children!
Even today, I see my God very busy! He is still busy caring for each and every need of His children, He is still doing everything He can to save everyone who will come to Him, and now He is busy preparing a home for those who choose to accept His gift of eternal life! “In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, ther ye may be also.” John 14:2-3
Yes, my God is still a busy God! Busy loving us, but not too busy to care for each and every need we have. In fact He is always on call 24/7!
As I write this entry into my blog, I am having a little difficulty remembering all that happened because I never got this post finished before heading into town for my class. When I was in class, I became sick and had to leave for home early. I got very sick and had to stop along the way home and then continue on only to get nauseous and sick again two more times at home. Needless to say that was not enjoyable…so now for my Happy For A Reason reason for July 21, jotted down on July 22.

Happy For A Reason reasons:
1.      Time to catch up on my blog! I am getting there slowly but surely!
2.      I was able to get home safely, in spite of having to pull over and off the highway in heavy traffic.
3.      My bed!
4.      A husband who took care of me!
5.      A dog who was trying to comfort me. ~smile

July 20

July 20, 2011 ~

"Happiness walks on busy feet." ~Kitte Turmell

I got to work and found out that I was going to “get” to keep a record of all my work activity again tonight only I will do it by myself. Hmm….  It was an interesting challenge, especially for the first half of the shift.  After I was finished, I read my supervisors report from the night before and realized I my report was not quit as detailed. But then trying to keep up with the flow of things and writing every little detail I did was a challenge, 4:30 am came so quickly, I will not complain! That meant I only had 1 and ½ hour of my shift left to go!

Happy For A Reason Reasons:
1.      Lunch with Gerri!
2.      I could be a taxi for Alissa!
3.      Ran into Pastor Ben and Becky today!
4.      Busy feet!
5.      A very busy God!  He is busy helping each and every one of His many children! An awesome thought, about an awesome God! I think I need to think more on this one!

July 19

July 19, 2011 ~

Working nights, I rarely see my supervisors, except in passing, or at required meetings. Well, tonight was a different story! My supervisor worked alongside me, documenting the different things I was doing, minute by minute. If I had thought about it I might have thought it would be stressful, but actually, it was kind of fun and made me realize all the little things I do that I don’t realize. At one point, she documented me registering a patient, answering the phone, prepping charts and helping a nurse all at one time. Hmm… all in a days work!

Happy For A Reason reason:
1.      Great night at work!
2.      3 + 3 = 6 hours of good sleep!
3.       I could help straighten Alissa’s hair. I like it curly, but straight is nice, too.
4.      Water! Great when you need to wash the straightening solution out of hair!
5.      Towels, and more towels, makes for easier clean up!

July 18

July 18, 2011 ~

“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” ~Romans 15:13

Happy For A Reason reasons:
1.      The hope that fills my heart with joy!
2.      A quiet morning!
3.      The ability to knock things off my to do list, one by one!
4.      Helped Clarissa with her hair!
5.      I could give Juanita and Clarissa their birthday cards and gifts! (Juanita’s was a bit late, but Clarissa’s was a bit early.)

July 17

July 17, 2011 ~

“The rainbows of life follow the storm.” ~Unknown

It is always enjoyable to have someone to talk to as I am working in the kitchen. That is exactly what Alissa and I did together today! Then the afternoon and evening was spent with great company! The day ended with a small but very real rainbow, reminding me of God’s promises that are so sure!

Happy For A Reason reasons:
1.      Time cooking and talking with Alissa!
2.      Lovely meal with great company!
3.      Chance to get to know some new friends!
4.      I got a text message saying I get the night off!
5.      One more day to let my back heal up!

July 16

July 16, 2011 ~

“A merry heart does good, like medicine, but a broken spirit dries the bones.” ~Proverbs 17:22, NKJV

Smile…I had forgotten how much I could laugh with Tom around! It was nice seeing him again. It’s been a long time! Mother, Daddy, Judy, Tom, Jonathan, Debra, Peter, and Juanita, all were able to come over today. Just wish Bill could have been here as well, then all four of us kids would have been together in one spot, but he was out a week ago. Somehow we need to start getting our vacations coordinated! Needless to say, I believe I can easily find my happy for a reason reasons for today!

Happy For A Reason reasons:
1.      Sabbath Camp Meeting blessings!
2.      Time spent with my mother, father, sister, and at least one of my brothers! What a lovely time I had!
3.      The added fun of spending time with my nephew Jonathan, his friend Debra, and two of my kids, Peter and Juanita!
4.      The gift of laughter!
5.      A family that can laugh!

July 15

July 15, 2011 ~

Resolve to see the world on the sunny side, and you have almost won the battle of life at the outset.  ~Sir Roger L’Estrange
Here I lie, flat on my back, wondering what I can accomplish. Glad that I have a good number of Paid Days off piled up.  Having a nice big window across from my bed, so I can watch the birds as they enjoy the bird food at the feeder is a blessing. The window is open, the breeze is softly blowing in, and the birds are singing. These are sounds I love to hear! After a morning of leisure, I am feeling a bit better, so I fix lunch and then Alissa comes over to help me in the yard!  Sam and Gerri picked us up some great Oregon tasting strawberries! Yummy! Ours have had so much water that they don’t have much of the flavor they usually do. And now, as the sunsets, there remains one lone House Finch at the feeder.

Happy For A Reason reasons:
1.      Time to have mom and daughter time with Alissa.
2.      Alissa’s help mowing the lawn! Something I would not have been able to do today! It was fun reminiscing about the years that she couldn’t mow, unless she used the push mower, because she was to light and couldn’t keep the seat pushed down enough for the mower to run .
3.      Time to take it easy and let my back rest.
4.      Yummy tasting Oregon strawberries!
5.      Fun memories!

July 14

July 14, 2011 ~

“Cheerfulness brings sunshine to the soul and drives away the shadows of anxiety.” ~ Hannah Whitall Smith
What a way to start the day! Early morning doctor visit, followed by a chiropractor visit. Yes, all this is a good things since I was almost unable to get out of bed. I drove myself to the doctor, parked and was trying to figure out how in the world I was going to get out of the car and into the office. It took a while but I finally made it. Then to the chiropractor, less than a mile away for an adjustment that helped so much! My back has never given me much trouble before, so this experience helped me understand just a little of what others go through with chronic back pain due to injuries.

Happy For A Reason reasons:
1.      Doctors and chiropractors! Between the two I have hope that my back will be feeling better soon! I guess I pulled some muscles while I was working in the garden this past week. No matter how it happened I sure am ready for the pain to be gone!
2.      Hope of a pain free back, and soon!
3.      A fun afternoon with Alissa and Andrew.
4.      Headlights! It would be difficult, if not impossible to drive home from town in the dark without them! In my life it is no different. When I don’t spend time using the “Headlights,” the Bible, life gets more difficult, if not impossible!
5.      The florescent yellow line so I could tell where the middle of the road was in the dark! Country roads can be challenging in the dark!

July 13

July 13, 2011 ~

“When we consider the blessings of God—the gifts that add beauty and joy to our lives, that enable us to keep going through stretches of boredom and even suffering—friendship is very near the top.” ~Donald W. McCullough

Camp meeting is here again! Hard to believe, but it is true. It was a hard choice, choosing what classes to attend. I ended up in Kay Rizzo’s classes. She is just as good of a speaker, and teacher as she is an author. Talking with friends I have not seen for ages, is another enjoyable part of camp meeting. All this topped off with a nice time at lunch time with Alissa and Andrew! As camp meeting continues may all who attend receive rich blessings from above!

Happy For A Reason Reasons:
1.      Camp meeting.
2.      Being able to meet Andrew!
3.      Nice time at lunch with Alissa and Andrew.
4.      Learned some things in Kay Rizzo’s classes.
5.      Enjoyable time seeing and visiting with old friends.

July 12

July 12, 2011 ~

Juanita’s Birthday!

My dear Juanita, here is a precious promise from God to you.
 “You are precious…in My sight, and …I Love You…!” ~Isaiah 43:4
May you see yourself the way God sees you: precious, honored, loved! Happy Birthday! God thinks you are wonderful, and so do I!

Sometimes it is difficult to believe that God thinks you are wonderful, and God knows your name…but He does, and it is written on His hand, spoken by His mouth and whispered by His lips. Yes, you have captured the heart of God. He cannot bear to live without you. God’s dream is for you to be right with Him. That is where the path to the cross comes in. The cross tells us exactly to what extent God will go to call us to Himself. It is not our love for God, but God’s love for us in sending His Son to be the way back home for you and me. Yes, He thinks you’re wonderful, spectacular, marvelous and I have to agree!

“See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands;
   your walls are ever before me.” ~Isaiah 49:16, NIV

He has written your name and mine, in the palm of His hand!

Happy For A Reason reasons:
1.      My lovely daughter, Juanita!
2.      She has had yet another birthday!
3.      Hope for many more!
4.      Her lovely Smile!
5.      Memories, oh, so precious!

July 11

July 11, 2011 ~

“Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.”  ~Proverbs 4:23

My corn was nearly all ripped out by the crows while I was gone, today I replanted. I have a plan to keep the crows out of the corn patch this time! I had planted lettuce, basil, spinach, and carrots, only to find the whole box in the greenhouse filled with arugula, when we returned from Tennessee. I like arugula, but really, this is a bit much! Guess I will have to do some sharing. That was just a start for today, the next stop was the strawberry patch where the weeds were trying to take over! Alissa came over and helped weed another section of the strawberry patch. A few strawberry plants got weeded out because we could not take one without the other. Between the corn patch, arugula, and weeds in the strawberries, I am reminded of two things in the Bible, guarding my heart, and the story of the wheat and tares in the Bible, Matthew 13:24-30 and 36-40, where Jesus said to leave the tares to grow until the harvest or in the process of tearing out the tares, you also take good plants with the tares. Both something to think about!

 “‘Let both grow together until the harvest.’ At that time I will tell the harvesters: ‘First collect the weeds and tie them in bundles to be burned; then gather the wheat and bring it into my barn.’” ~Matthew 13:30, NIV

Happy For A Reason reasons:
1.      A garden we can weed! Better than no garden at all!
2.      Alissa’s help weeding!
3.      Fun time hearing about Alissa’s fun with friends doing outreach and then enjoying a hike together!
4.      Iron! To get those wrinkles out! Hmmmm….what wrinkles to I need to get out of my life? (…and not the ones on my face, besides, aren’t those smile lines?)
5.      Ironing board! Just makes ironing so much easier!

Saturday, July 30, 2011

July 10

July 10, 2011 ~

“As for God, His way is perfect!” ~ Psalm 18:30

I read Psalm 18:30 and I think about the many things that are going on in my life, the people I meet, the decisions I have to make. What direction should I go, is it the right time, how much of this or that? What is the right way to do something, what kind of attention should I give to this? So the list goes on and on. And then I read this and find my answer! If I will just let God choose, I will be making the right decision. If I will let self go and let God guide me, I will be going in the right direction! If I give my plans to God and let Him plan for me, it will be in the right timing and at the right place. If I will let God help me, I’ll have the right helper! If I go to God for counsel, it will defiantly be from the right perspective. If I go to Him for instructions, I will have the right teachings. If I let God prepare me, I will have the right training. The bottom line is that if I let God fight for me, I’ll have the right end! So what am I waiting for?

Happy For A Reason reasons:
1.      Bright sunshiny morning
2.      Ron’s help stringing string for the beans and tomatoes to climb! Really appreciated since I have picked up an extra shift this afternoon.
3.      Everything, except the sunflowers I started in pots, are planted in the ground. Seems really late, but we didn’t have any real spring, at least not garden friendly weather. When we were in Tennessee, two weeks ago they were eating corn from their garden and picking blackberries, our berries just started blooming this week.
4.      An extra shift of work!
5.      The ability to have new beginnings, in the garden and in my life!

Friday, July 22, 2011

July 9

 July 9, 2011 ~
                                                                                 ON THE RIDGE!
“For the beauty of each hour, for the beauty of the earth…” I sing my praise to the Lord Above! On this Sabbath day, Ron and I have enjoyed the beauty of the earth that God has created for our enjoyment!
Since the trails higher up on the mountain are not yet open because of the above normal snow pack, the lower trail heads are packed with people. Our hike today was on Mt. Hood, our destination: Tom, Dick, and Harry Ridge. As we approached the trail park area, it was over flowing its boundary with cars. We were blessed to find a parking place up close, because someone had left.                                         
Here we begin our seven plus mile hike, up to Mirror Lake, then on to the top of the ridge overlooking the lake and five snow capped mountains! I am so blessed to live where there is such an abundance of hiking, backpacking and camping opportunities!
It has been a wonderful day! The beauty that I saw could only bring my thoughts back to my Lord above, in praise for the beauty He has created! And the crowds of people were pleasant and enjoyable to meet.

Happy For A Reason reasons:

1.      An Awesome God!
2.      The beauty of the earth that God created for me to enjoy!
3.      I live where I have ample opportunities to enjoy the great outdoors!
4.      Pleasant people! (… and doggies, too!)
5.      The ability to enjoy a seven mile hike with Ron!

Below I share four verses from the song that runs through my mind today….

For The Beauty of The Earth
For the beauty of the earth,
For the glory of the skies;
For the love which from our birth,
Over and around us lies;
Lord of all, to Thee we raise
This, our hymn of grateful praise.

For the wonder of each hour,
Of the day and of the night;
Hill and vale and tree and flow'r,
Sun and moon, and stars of light;
Lord of all, to Thee we raise
This, our hymn of grateful praise.

For the joy of ear and eye,
For the heart and mind's delight;
For the mystic harmony,
Linking sense to sound and sight;
Lord of all, to Thee we raise
This, our hymn of grateful praise.

For Thyself, best Gift Divine,
To the world so freely given,
For that great, great love of Thine,
Peace on earth and joy in heaven.
Lord of all, to Thee we raise
This, our hymn of grateful praise.
~By Folliott S. Pierpoint, 1864

                             Destination: Tom, Dick, and Harry Ridge....view from Mirror Lake

Ron and I at Mirror Lake before heading up to the ridge.

We are almost there! ....Many people bring a rock from the ridge to place it on this pile.

Mirror Lake from Tom, Dick, and Harry Ridge

Flowers on the Ridge with Mt Hood in the background.