March 1~
Sunshine is delicious, rain is refreshing, wind braces us up, snow is exhilarating; there is really no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather. ~John Ruskin
I guess that is a positive way to look at the weather conditions!
They say that March comes in like a lion, and leaves like a lamb. Well, two days ago the wind blew, and blew, then the rain set in and changed to snow. We ended up with six to eight inches of very wet slushy snow. This morning when I woke up, there was still several inches of snow and the rain was coming down. I thought it strange when I opened the door and it sounded like it was pouring, yet I could not hear it as it was hitting the roof of the house. I quickly realized it was all the snow melting, running, and dripping off everything around. Lesson number one: Do not go under a snow laden fir tree when it is above freezing and raining! You just might wonder who threw the snow ball that landed in the puddle right next to you, and splashed, soaking your pant legs! Trust me, I know! ~smile
It is still raining and I am wondering if we are going to have flooding? At least out house is at the highest point on our property so it won’t get flooded, and here I start my Happy For A Reason reason’s.
Happy For A Reason reason’s:
1. Gravity. The “snowball” landing in the puddle next to me, causing me to get soaked, reminds me that gravity is still working! …and the rain runs down hill so there will be no flooding in my house!
2. Help making lunch with my two young chiefs!
3. Happy I still have a few toys around the house for kids to play with!
4. A fun time playing in the snow with my neighbors! I still know how to have a good snowball fight!
5. Happy the snow doesn’t last all year long! It is great in the mountains, but a little goes a long ways at home!
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