March 14, 2011~
And then…Eighteen hours later…waw-law, there is electricy, shortly followed by working phones! Last night it took 1 ½ hours to get to work, usually only 35-40 min. I’d go one way and find the roads were closed, turn around, and try another. It seemed so odd to be headed away from work yet knowing that might be my only way to get to work and sure enough, it was the only way. Ron made it to within 2 minutes from home only to be turned back and have to find another way home. After sliding into the ditch, when he had to turn around, a nice volunteer pulled him out, he arrived home 1 ½ hour later! Enough said, I think I can easily make out my Happy For A Reason reason’s:
1. Candles, for light in the dark and heat for warming hands during the day! It was a bit cold this morning in our house!
2. Electricity, which produces, heat, running water, lights, and so much more!
3. The men and women who spent a very cold, wet night while they triaged the roads, cleared downed trees, poles, and wires from the roads, fixed downed power lines, replacing power poles that were sheared off from high winds, and keeping people safe in general. Yes, a special thank you to the County Deputies, 911 dispatch workers, Firemen, Paramedics, PGE line men and those manning the phones, ODOT workers, and the many volunteers who got out their chainsaws.
4. A nice person behind Ron, who was willing to pull him out of the ditch. Too much rain makes for very soft slippery shoulders along the road!
5. Neither, Ron, Juanita, or I had a tree fall on us while we were out and about! Not everyone was so fortunate in our area.
I realize that the weather conditions we had here in the last 24 hours is nothing compared to what the people in Japan are experiencing, with the earthquake damage and then tsunami. My prayers are with all the people affected by the damage done due to the tsunami in Japan.
I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. And I will not let what I cannot do interfere with what I can do. ~Edward Everett Hale
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