Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Whispers of Wisdom


                        WHISPERS OF HIS WISDOM
                                  “It’s Not Unto Death!”

            “The righteous shall be glad in the Lord, and shall trust in Him…Psalms 64:10

      I confess, I’m absolutely miserable this morning; unfit and unwanted in the company of others; the victim of a “healthy” spring cold.  And, I can’t seem to envision feeling better anytime soon!  How’s that for an attitude!  Back in the recesses of my congested head, I remember a morning some twenty years ago when my condition was no better.

      Our four-year-old grandson, Chris, was frolicking down the stairs ahead of my labored steps.  He had just asked me to play with him.  Can you believe it!  In my most pitiful voice, I told him I was sick and did not feel like playing.  By the time I completed my comments; Chris had reached the foyer, turned around with an energetic bounce and announced, “It’s not unto death, Grandma Dottie!”  Even though I didn’t feel I could agree at the time, Chris could not have given a more correct application of John 11:4.  And I do believe I cleared the last two steps with a lighter spirit and with a weak smile upon my miserable face.

      Children possess both resiliency and its companion, positive thinking; having the ability to endure illness and misfortune quietly.  They are quick to bounce back with vigor and anticipation.
Unfortunately, we, as adults often fall into the pit of self pity and don’t do very well climbing out.   Too often, we step onto the treadmill of negative thinking, remaining there until we become anxious and depressed individuals.  With certainty, our present thought and response patterns will be clearly revealed in the next crisis we face.

      Paul Lee Tan shares the following story, “One night, a famous Welsh minister and Bible commentator, Matthew Henry, was assaulted by thieves, who took his money.  Of that incident, Henry wrote in his journal, ‘Let me be thankful first, because I was never robbed before; second, because, although they took my purse, they did not take my life; third, because, although they took my all, it was not much; and fourth, because it was I who was robbed, not I who robbed.’”

      If we keep our thoughts vertical; assimilating the positive presence of Jesus Christ on a daily basis; we will become more hopeful, happy and helpful people.

                                                                                                                                Dottie Barnett

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