January 19, 2011~
As I was driving home on the country roads this morning, with the rain pouring down, it was dark and as I neared a twist in the road, car after car was heading my way. The light from the headlights in the rain was blinding. I have to admit it was a bit irritating! Then I got to thinking how thankful I was that I had headlights! If I didn’t have headlights on the car I would have to go to work several hours earlier and stay at least one hour later in the morning. There goes my free time for the days I work. My work days would truly become days of eat, work, sleep, only to start all over again. Well, for now thoughts of work I think I’ll set aside since I now am beginning my five days off! (Shhh….don’t anyone tell my boss!)
1. I already mentioned headlights, but need to put it on my list. I am also remembering how many times the light from the headlights helped me see a deer that I just missed as I was going to and from work.
2. Oh, how happy I am for the time to relax and recharge!
3. Phones… I guess that can be a blessing or a curse. But for me today I can say it was another reason I have to be happy!
4. I was able to have a much needed conversation with my youngest.
5. For my youngest son, who has no idea how much he has taught me.
To love someone is to see him as God intends Him ~ Dostevski
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