Saturday, January 8, 2011

January 8

January 8, 2011~
I have to laugh, as I read yesterday’s reasons for being happy! Top of the list was, How nice to have a day where I can stay home and get things done.  Well, it was two hours later that I got a call and had a change in plans. So it was that I had to reorganize and prioritize my day! It all worked out and I am glad I went in to work. There were patients who came in that really touched my life.  
1.       Laughter! Yes, it is good for the soul!
2.       As I was on my way to work, the traffic slowed way down and at times came to a stand still. When I heard the sirens behind me, I figured it must be an accident. Sure enough it was.  Upon getting to work we had multiple motor vehicle accident (MVA) patients. So many that I figured I would come home and dream about MVA’s.  Actually, I was tired enough I fell fast asleep and never another thought about MVA’s!  Ok, so my reason for being happy…I got home safe and sound!
3.       The ability to breath with ease! A couple of people last night were struggling to breath as they talked to me, I realized what a blessing breathing is! One of the people had such a cheerful attitude even as she struggled to breath.
4.       Fresh air! Simple though it is, without it our lives would be finished in just a few moments.
5.       It always amazes me how God works in our lives. His timing is perfect, and He may use an ordinary every day situation that I don’t even think about and He turns it into something great! Today at church, the speaker shared his life story. It was amazing how God used one person’s phone call to change another person’s life four times removed. Because of one phone call a certain chain of events happened that put into motion the circumstances for someone’s life to be dramatically changed!

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